Old Asian Bioethics Association Membership List (as of Sept. 2002)

Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 12 (2002), 196-200.

Persons who want to confirm their membership of the ABA must send their completed membership form to the secretary (unless given at the ABA Seoul Conference), Darryl Macer, (by Email, fax or airmail).

Membership fees are payable from November, 2002, at the time of renewal to EJAIB, the official journal of ABA. A three tier system exists for annual fees:

a) Regular price (US$50 Euro 50 Yen 5000).

This includes the EJAIB journal subscription and free associate membership of Eubios Ethics Institute.

b) Reduced contribution (the amount is up to the member, and is also suggested for students)

This includes the EJAIB journal subscription.

c) No fee, because the person is not in a position to pay the fee.

This does not include a hard copy of the EJAIB journal, but anyone can apply to Eubios Ethics Institute separately for a hard copy of the Journal, to be considered case by case.

For historical information see the East Asian Association of Bioethics which on 5 November, 1997, was broadened to a full Asian Bioethics Association at the UNESCO ABC in Kobe.

ABA Membership list

Persons who want to confirm their membership of the ABA must send their completed membership form and fees to the secretary if your name does not appear in the current list , Darryl Macer, (by Email, fax or airmail). This is the previous ABA membership list, and includes many who have not paid up for the ciurrent year. Only those currently paid up persons on the current list will be eligible for voting in 2004 elections. Membership renewals are required now. Please inform the secretary of any corrections to this list.

Persons who want to become a member of the ABA should send their details to the secretary, Darryl Macer (by E-mail: asianbioethics@yahoo.co.nz , fax or airmail). Those who say they are not in the position to pay the fees will not be barred from full membership of ABA.

Also see Hyakudai Sakamoto, EAAB News: The President's Column - , EJAIB 7 (1997), 99.
More background at: Background on membership of Asian Bioethics Association , .

Enquries to:
Darryl Macer


Membership Application Form

Family name, First name Middle name; *On the membership form please write both Chinese characters and alphabet if applicable. Note: Only the names, addresses, and research interests will be printed in the membership list. Other information will be confidential. Note the introduction and some of the papers from the First Congress, and all abstracts have been published in EJAIB (check the on-line back issues.


Age (Optional):

Country of Residence:

Professional status:

Highest Academic degree earned:

Your field of academic specialization:

*The institution you are affiliated with:

*Address of your institution:

*Your mailing address:


The nearest airport you usually start traveling from (if you are non-Japanese):


ABA Membership list as of 23 September, 2002

    The following persons are listed as members to the Asian Bioethics Association, and have a right to vote in the forthcoming elections for renewal of the Board members. Those members who wish to vote and are not certain that they will attend ABA General Meeting at the IVth Asian Conference  of Bioethics in Seoul (22-25 November, 2002) should indicate to the secretary that they wish to receive voting papers prior to 1 November, 2002. The previous publication of ABA lists was in July and Sept. 1997 EJAIB. The following list is updated with the Chinese membership list of 2001, and changes from other countries that have been recorded.  Please inform the secretary of any corrections to this list.

    Persons who want to become a member of the ABA should send their details to the secretary (since Feb. 2002), Darryl Macer, prior to 1 November, 2002 (by Email). Persons who are not registered as a member before 1 November, 2002, may not be able to vote in the elections.

    Membership fees will be payable from November, 2002, at the time of renewal to EJAIB, the official journal of ABA. The level of suggested fees will be announced at that stage. Those who say they are not in the position to pay the fees will not be barred from full membership of ABA. 


Dr. Helga Kuhse

Centre for Human Bioethics, Monash University, Clayton 3168,Australia

Dr Irina Pollard 


School of Biological Sciences, Macquarie University, NSW 2109, AUSTRALIA

Morgan Pollard 2002P

School of Resource Science and Management, Southern Cross University

PO Box 157, Lismore, N.S.W., Australia


Mrs. Wardatul Akmam

Lecturer in Sociology, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi, Bangladesh.

Currently, Ph.D. student, Institute of Agricultural and Forest Engineering, University of Tsukuba, Japan.

Dr. Begum Hasna

Dept of Philosophy Dhaka University, 

6 Dhanmondi R/A, Rd. 9, Dhaka-1205, BANGLADESH


Prof. Gerhold Becker(1998E)

Centre for Applied Ethics, Hong Kong Baptist University

224 Waterloo Rd, Kowloon, HONG KONG

Prof. Kaibin Cao  

Yi Xue Yuan Road 138 # , Department of Social Sciences and Humanities

Shanghai University of Medical Sciences , Shanghai  200032   P.R.China 


Wemmei Cao

Yi Xue Yuan Road 138 # , Department of Social Sciences and Humanities

Shanghai University of Medical Sciences, Shanghai  200032   P.R.China 

Prof. Yuanfang Chen

Beijing East District Shuai Fu Yuan Bystreet

Digestive Department, Union Hospital, Beijing 100730 P.R.China

Prof. Zhizheng Du

Chang Bai Street 4#  Room 201, Xi Gang District, Dalian City

Dalian 116012, P.R. China

Prof.  Qingdong Da

Yi Xue Yuan Road 138 # , Department of Social Sciences and Humanities

Shanghai University of Medical Sciences , Shanghai  200032   P.R.China 

Prof. Junmei Dong

Yan An North Road 46#, Medical Ethics Section of Chang Zhi Medical College, Chang Zhi City  046000, Shanxi Province , China

Jing Gong

Yi Xue Yuan Road 138 # , Department of Social Sciences and Humanities

Shanghai University of Medical Sciences , Shanghai  200032   P.R.China 

Prof. Xinhe Hu

Jian Nei Street 5#, The Institute of Philosophy,

Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing 100732, China

Prof. Gang Huang

Department of Humanities and Social Sciences , Zhanjiang Medical College,

Zhanjing City, 524000, Guandong Province, China

Prof. Yihong Jin

Hu Ju North Road 12#, The Institute of sociology

Jiang Su Academy of Social Sciences, Nanjing City 210013,

Jiang Su Province, China

Prof. Zhengbin Ke

Cai Shi Kou 30 #, Xuan Wu District, Beijing 100052, China

Dr. Yuen-Yee Maria Law

Hong hou, Kowloon, Hong Kong

Prof. Enchang Li

Editorial Dept. of the Journal of Medical Ethics

Xi'an University of Medical Sciences, Xi'an City 710061, China

Prof. Jining Li      

Guang Xi Administer College for Health Cadre, Nanning City 530021, China

Prof.  Benfu Li

Beijing West District , Xi shi ku Steet 37#, Affiliated Maternity Hospital of Beijing University of Medical Sciences, Beijing 100034, China

Prof. Chuanjun Li

The Training Center of Ministry of Public Health for Health Cadre

Beijing 100037, China

Prof. Jie Liu

The Dept. of Philosophy , Shandong University

Jinan City 250100, Shandong Province, China


Prof. Xueli Liu

Yi Xue Yuan Road 138 # , Department of Social Sciences and Humanities

Shanghai University of Medical Sciences , Shanghai  200032   P.R.China 

Prof. Li Liang

The Section for Student of Chengde Medical College  

Chengde City 067000, He Bei Province, China


Dr. Meiche Pang

Depertment of Health Science,

The Hong Kong Polytechnic, HONG KONG

Dr. Yu Kam-Por

Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong

Prof. Renzong Qiu    

Beijing Jian Nei Street 5#, The Institute of Philosophy

Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing 100732, China

Xiaomin Qu

Yi Xue Yuan Road 138 # , Department of Social Sciences and Humanities

Shanghai University of Medical Sciences , Shanghai  200032   P.R.China 

Prof. Xiaoya Shi

Section of Political Education, Beijing  Wu Ke Song College for Advanced Studies of Medical Officer  , Beijing 100853, China


Prof.  Muyi Sun   

Dept. of  Humanities and Social Sciences, Nanjing Railway Medical College,

Nanjing City 210009, China


Mr. Li'ou Sun

Dept. of  Humanities and Social Sciences, Nanjing Railway Medical College,

Nanjing City 210009, China


Prof. Xiaoying Shao

Department of Social Sciences and Humanities, Shanghai University of Medical Sciences , Shanghai  200032   P.R.China 

Prof. Mingxian Shen

Huaihai Middle Road, Lane 622, No. 7, Institute of Philosophy

Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, Shanghai City 200020, China

Prof. Weixing Shi

Yna An Road No.353 , Hangzhou City, Section of Moral Education, School Of Medicine, Zhejiang University, Hanzhou City, Zhejiang Province, China

Mrs. Baoqi Su

Apartment 112, Building 5, Tsinghua University

Beijing 10084, CHINA

Dr. Yanguang Wang

Center for Applied Ethics of the Institute of Philosophy

Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

Beijing 100732, China

Jinling Wang

Sheng fu Road,  Sheng Fu Building, Academy of Social Sciences of Zhe Jiang Province, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, China

Prof. Zongliang Xu

Yi Xue Yuan Road 138 #, Department of Social Sciences and Humanities

Shanghai University of Medical Sciences, Shanghai  200032   P.R.China 


Prof. Wei Xiao

College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Qing Hua University,

Beijing 100084, China 

Prof. Guomei Xia

Huaihai Middle Road, Lane 622, No. 7, Institute of Sociology , Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, Shanghai City 200020, China

Prof. Gongding Tao

The First length of Jin Ci Road No. 65

College of Chinese Traditional Medicine of Shanxi

Taiyuan City 030024, Shanxi Province ,P. R. China


Prof. Zongyi Weng

Dong Feng West Road No. 195, Guangzhou Medical College

Guangzhou City 510182, Guang Dong Province, P.R. China

Prof. Zhangtian Wu

Dong Feng West Road No. 195, Guangzhou Medical College

Guangzhou City 510182, Guang Dong Province, P.R. China

Dr. Cong YaLi

Beijing West District , Xi shi ku Steet 37#, Centre for Medical Ethics,

Beijing University of Medical Sciences, Beijing 100034, China

Jun Yang

Huang He South Street No.78, Section of Social Sciences of Shen Yang Medical College , Shenyang City 110031 , P.R. China

Dr Daqing Zhang (1998C)

Center for Medical History, Xueyuan Rd, Beijing 100083, CHINA

Prof. Fuming Zhang

Cheng Bei Street 12#, Shanxi Southeast Normal College

Changzhi City 046011, Shanxi Province, China

Hui Zhang

Song Po Road Third Length, No.40, Dept. of Social Sciences, Jin Zhou Medical College, Jin Zhou City, 121001, Liao Ning Province, P.R. China

Xiangtao Zhou

Song Po Road Third Length, No.40, Dept. of Social Sciences, Jin Zhou Medical College, Jin Zhou City, 121001, Liao Ning Province, P.R. China

Jing Fu 

Dept. of Philosophy, Wu Han University, Wu Han City, 430072, P.R. China

Dr. Zhai Xiaomei

Dept. of Social Sciences

Peking Union Medical College & Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences

Dong dan san tiao No.5, Beijing 100005, P.R. China

Wei Zhu

Yi Xue Yuan Road 138 #, Department of Social Sciences and Humanities

Shanghai University of Medical Sciences , Shanghai  200032   P.R. China 


Dr. Hlaca Nenad

Law School, Hahlic 6,51000 Rijeka Croatia

Prof. Ivan Segota(1998C)

Head, Department of Social Sciences,, Medical Faculty - University of Rijeka, O. Ban 22, 51000 Rijeka, CROATIA


Dr. Ole Doering

Mittelweg 6, D-21335 Luneburg, GERMANY(2002C)

Dr. Brigitte E.S. Jansen,

European Academy for Environment and Economy, Research Center Biotechnology and Law, L_neburg, Germany

Dr Hans-Martin Sass (1998C)

Zentrum Medizinische Ethik, Ruhr Universitaet

Postfach 102148, D-44780, Bochum, GERMANY


Dr. Jayapaul Azariah(1998C)

No. 4, 8th Lane, 5th Cross Street, Indira Nagar

Chennai  600 020,  INDIA

Home tel. +91-44-412105

Dr. Hilda Azariah(1998C)

No. 4, 8th Lane, 5th Cross Street, Indira Nagar

Chennai  600 020,  INDIA

Dr K.K. Dua1998C

Dept of Zoology, Dayalbagn Educational Institute

Dayalbagh, Agra 20205, INDIA

Fax 0562-351045

Dr Pushpa Dhar1998C

Dept of Anatomy, All India Institute of Medical Sciences,

Ansari Nagar, New Delhi, 110 029, INDIA

Dr. S Gopinath

Dept. of Botany University of Madras - Guindy Campus Chennai  600025,  INDIA

Dr. Abhik Gupta

Dept. of Ecology, Assam University

Silchar 788011, Assam, INDIA

Dr C. Thomson Jacob  (1998C)

21, Bethel Illam, Pratasam St., B.V. Puram, Avadi, Madras 54, Tamil Nadu, INDIA

Rev. Fr. Dr.  Baby Joseph

4th Block, Room No. 166, Loyola College Hostel, Chennai 600 034, INDIA

Dr. Kaliappan Kanthimathi

Anna Salai, Madras-2, 600002 INDIA

Dr RR Kishore1998C

Chief Medical Officer, Ministry of Health & Welfare

DII/198 Kidwai Nagar, New Delhi - 110023, INDIA

Dr. Kumar Kusum

Bhagwandas Road New Delhi-110001 India

Mr. V.R. Manoj (2002C)

1160, 6th Avenue, Z-Block, Annanagar ,

Chennai - 600 040., Tamil Nadu, INDIA

Dr Vasantha Muthuswamy  (1998C)

Indian Council of Medical Research, New Delhi 110 029, INDIA

Prof. G. Radhakrishna Pillai

Dept Life Sciences, Univ. Calicut, Private Bar,

Kerala, 673 635  INDIA

Dr.M.Selvanayagam (2001C)

Department of Zoology, Loyola College, Chennai-600034, INDIA

Prof. Aruna Sivakami,

Dept. Politics & Public Admn. University of Madras, Chepauk, Chennai 600 005, India

Dr. Indira Royokotta  Srinivasan

Anna Salai, Madras-600002, South-India

Tel: 8272221

Zoology, Environmental Perception

Dr. Harpal Singh Sangwan

H.No.1074, Sector 15-A, Housing Board Colony, HISAR Pin - 125 001 (Haryana) India

Dr R.N. Sharma2001C

Flat Nos. 15-16, Building 'A', Moraya Residency, Sus Road, Pashan

(Opp. Abhinav Kala Mahavidyalaya), Pune 411021, INDIA

Prof. D.S. Sheriff

84 C Thubal Ahmed Street, Salem 636001, INDIA

Dr. A.K. Tharien  (1998C)

Christian Fellowship Hospital, Oddanchantram,

Tamil Nadu 624 619, INDIA

Prof. Ishiwar C. Verma,(2002C)

CI-18, Ansari Nagar, AIIMS Campus, New Delhi, 110 029, INDIA

Dr. K.K. Verma2001C

HIG 1/327, Housing Board Colony

Borsi, Durg (M.P.) 491001, INDIA

S. Visalakshi

National institute of Science, Technology and Development Studies, New Delhi - 110 012, India

Tel. 324683


Dr. Kees Bertens

JL. Jend. Sudirman 51,

Jakarta 12930 Indonesia

Dr. Rudy Hartanto

1.JI. Kyai  Tapa  No.260, Grogol,

Jakarta  11440. Indonesia

Dr. Willy E. Maramis

RSUD Dr.Sutomo, Dept.of Psychiatry, Jl.Darmahusada 6-8, Surabaya, Indonesia

Dr. Aloysius Mariono

Ariobimo Central 4th Floor,

Jalan H.R.Rasuna Said Block X.2, No 5

 Jakarta 12950, Indonesia

Dr. Agus Suwandono

Jalan Indrapura No 17 Surabaya6076,Indonesia


Dr Zelina Ben-Gershon 1998C

Ministry of Health, 2 Ben-Tabai Str., Jerusalem, 91010 ISRAEL

Dr. Frank J. Leavitt

The Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben Gurion Univeristy of the Negev, P.O.B. 653, 84105 Beer-Sheva, ISRAEL


Prof. Akira Akabayashi

School of Public Health, Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine,

Yoshida Konoe-cho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto, 606-8501, Japan

Dr Atsushi Asai (1999C)

Department of General Medicine,

Kyoto University School of Medicine, Kyoto University Hospital

Sakyo-ku, Kyoto, 606-8501, Japan

Prof. Tsuyoshi Awaya

Medical Law and Bioethics Office, Department of Economics, Tokuyama University, Tokuyama, Yamaguchi, 745-8566 Japan

Dr. Alireza Bagheri

Department of Neurology, Institute of Clinical Medicine, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba 305-8575, Japan

Dr. Carl B. Becker

Dept. Philosophy, Kyoto University, Yoshida, Nihon Matsu-cho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, 606-01 Japan

Minakshi Bhardwaj

Eubios Ethics Institute, Tsukuba Science City 305-8691, JAPAN

Dr. Koichi Emi

Seishokan Building, Ginza 4-5-1, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104, JAPAN

Dr. Richard Evanoff  (2002P)

1933-8 Hazama-Cho, Hachioji-Shi, Tokyo 193, Japan

Prof. Norio Fujiki  (2002C)

2- 1009  Nakano, Fukui-shi 910-37, Japan

Prof. Takashi Fujimoto

1-33 Yayoicho, Inage-shi, Chiba 263, Japan

Dr. Kenzo Hamano

Gokiso-cho, Showa-ku, Nagoya 466, Japan

Masakazu Inaba

Eubios Ethics Institute, Tsukuba Science City 305-8691, JAPAN

Dr. Osamu Ishikawa

Watanabe Bild.201, 2-29-1 Hongou, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113,JAPAN

Makina Kato

Eubios Ethics Institute, Tsukuba Science City 305-8691, JAPAN

Prof. Emiko Konishi,

Nagano College of Nursing, Japan

Prof. Darryl R.J. Macer

Institute of Biological Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba Science City 305-8572, JAPAN

Fumi Maekawa

Eubios Ethics Institute, Tsukuba Science City 305-8691, JAPAN

Prof. Masahiro Morioka (1998C)

CIAS, Osaka Prefecture University, Gakuencho, Sakai, Osaka, 599-8531 Japan

Dr. Yonezo Nakagawa

96 Kitahananobo-cho, Murasakino, Kita-ku, Kyoto,603,JAPAN

Dr. Jiro Nudeshima

11 Minamiooya, Machida-shi Tokyo 194, JAPAN

Dr. Gen Ohi

National Institute of Environmental Studies, 16-2 Onogawa, Tsukuba 305

Dr. Miyako Okada-Takagi

College of Humanities and Sciences, 

Nihon University,  3-25-40 Sakurajosui, Setagayaku, Tokyo, Japan

Prof. Michio Okamoto

International Institute for Advanced Studies(1998C)

9-3 Kizugawadai, Kizu-cho, Soraku-gun, Kyoto 619-02, Japan

Prof. Hyakudai Sakamoto(1998C)

1-21-16-202 Higashiyama, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153, Japan

Prof. Shinryo N. Shinagawa (1998E)

32-3 Hirosaki, Fujimi-cho , Aomori 036-8223, Japan

Dr. Masashi Shirahama

2615 Mitsuse, Mitsuse Mura, Kanzaki Gun, Saga Ken, 842-03 Japan

Prof. Shinichi Shoji

Institute of Clinical Medicine, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Japan

Eiko Suda

Eubios Ethics Institute, Tsukuba Science City 305-8691, JAPAN

Dr. Reiko Taguchi

2-746 Asahimatidori, Niigata 951,JAPAN

Dr. Nobuhiko Takase

2-3-1 Misaki-cho,Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, JAPAN

Dr. Toshiaki Takasu

30-1 Ohyaguchikami-machi, Itabashi-ku, Tokyo 173, JAPAN

Dr. Kazuo Takeuchi

Shinkawa 6-20-2, Mitaka-shi, Japan

Dr Noritoshi Tanida 2001P

Department of Internal Medicine 4, Hyogo College of Medicine,

1-1 Mukogawacho, Nishinomiya, Hyogo 663, Japan

Dr. Takashi Tsuchiya (2001P)

Faculty of Literature, Osaka City University

Sumiyoshiku, Sugimoto 3-3-138, Osaka-shi, 558-8585, Japan

Dr. Yasushi Tsukamoto

Kamiyouga 6-25-1, Setagayak-ku, Tokyo.154, JAPAN

Prof. Richard Weisburd,

Institute of Biological Sciences, University of Tsukuba,

Tsukuba Science City, 305-8572, Japan


Dr. Philip Ho Hwang

304-303 Kun Yung Villa, Junq Bol Town, 861 Ma Doo, Doq, Ko Yang City, KYouqgi Do, Korea 411-351

Dr. Koo Young-Mo,

Institute of Philosophy, Seoul National University, South Korea

Ivo Kwon,

Seoul National University, South Korea

Dr. Ynhui Park,

Pohan University of Science and Technology (Postech), South Korea

Prof. Sang-yong Song(1998C)

303 Kungion Villa, 134-9 Kugi-dong, Chongno-gu, Seoul 110-011, KOREA

Prof. Jeong-Ro Yoon,

School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Kusong-dong, Yusong-ku, Taejon, 305-701, Korea


Dr Heng Leng Chee (1998C)

Fakulti Ekologi Manusia, Universiti Pertanian Malaysia

43400 UPM Serdang, , Selangor Darul Ehsan, , MALAYSIA

Dr. Siti Nurani Mo Nor (2002P)

Dept. Science & Technology Studies

University of Malaya

50603 Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA


Mr. Prem Kaidi

Journalist/Dept. Chief of the Journalism

Advance Academy College, Pulchowk, Lalitpur, Nepal

Prof. V. Manickavel  (1998C)

Immunology Dept., College of Medical Sciences

Post Box 23 Bharatpur, Chitwan District, NEPAL


Dr. Kenneth R. Daniels

Dept. Social Work,  University of Canterbury, P.O. Box 4800, Christchurch NEW  ZEALAND

Dr. Jing-Bao Nie

Bioethics Research Centre, University of Otago

PO Box 913 , Dunedin, New Zealand (2002P)


Dr Anwar Nasim (2001C)

COMSTECH, 3 Constitution Ave, G-5/2, Islamabad 44000, , PAKISTAN


Dr. Rosario AT Alora

Rn 226 Son Ma de Po Bldg, UST, 

Espane Manila, Philippines

Prof. Leonardo D. de Castro

Department of Philosophy, University of the Philippines

Diliman, Quezon City (1998C), 1104 The Philippines

Dr. Fausto Berlana Gomez

Son Ma de Po Bldg, UST,

Espa_a Street, Manila 1008,  Philippines

Dr. Maryjean Villa-real Guno

Department of Pediatrics Facuty of Medicine and Surgery University of Santo Tomas Espana,  Manila,Philippines

Dr. Gerald William Healy

Ateneo &Manila University Quezon City,


Ms. Maryann Chen Ng

Unit 788 Burgandy Place, 174 B. Gonzalez St

Loyola Heights, Q.C., Philippines 1101


Dr. Maria Cristina Rosamond Pinto

Genetica Humana,  Rua Amilcar Cabral N-21-R/C  1700 Lisbon PORTUGAL


Prof. Vladimir I. Ivanov (1998C)

Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

Research Centre for Medical Genetics

1. Moskvorechie Str.

115478 Moscow, RUSSIA

Dr. Konstantin S. Khroutski,

Institute of Medical Education,

Novgorod State University after Yaroslav-the-Wise,

A/B 123, PO-25, Novgorod the Great, 173025 Russia

Dr. Boris Grigorievich Yudin

Volkhouka 14, Moscow 109842, Russia


Dena Hsin-Chen Hsin,

Taichung Medical College, Taichung, Taiwan

C/o  Eubios Ethics Institute, Tsukuba Science City 305-8691, JAPAN

Prof. Shui Chuen Lee, (2000P?)

Graduate Institute of Philosophy, National Central University

Chungli, Taiwan, 300 R.O,C.

Prof.  Micheal Tai (1999C)

Chungshan Medical College, 110 Chien-Kuo N. Rd, Sec. 1, Taichung, Taiwan

Dr. Daniel Fu-Chang Tsai (2001E)

No. 133-11F, Section 1, Roosevelt Road,

Taipei, 100  Taiwan

Dr. Pitak Chaichareon

Faculty of Medicine (1998C), Ramathibodi Hospital, Mahidol University

Rama VI Road, Bangkok 10400 Thailand

Mrs. Chalobon Kachonpadungkitti

266 On-nut 35, Sukhumvit 77, Saunlaung

Bangkok 10250, THAILAND

Dr Pinit Ratanakul(1998C)

Center for Human Resources Development,

Mahidol University,

45/3 Ladphrao 92 Bangkapi

Bangkok 10310, THAILAND


Dr. Sahin Aksoy ()

Harran University, Medical Faculty,

Department of Medical Ethics, 63300 Sanliurfa    TURKEY

Dr Neyyire Yasemin Oguz,

Unit of Deontology, Ankara Medical University,

Sihhiye 06100, Ankara, TURKEY    

Dr. Yaman Ors

Ankara Medical Faculty

Sihhiye 06100, Ankara TURKEY


Dr. Alastair Vincent Campbell,

Department of Obstetrics&Gynaecology, St Michael's Hospital,

University of Bristol, Southwell Street, Bristol BS2 8EG England

Sivaramjani Thambisetty,

Exeter College, Oxford OX1 3DP, UK


Dr. Ann Boyd

Biology Dept., Hood College,

401 Rosemont Ave, Frederick, Maryland 21701-8575, USA

Dr. James Dwyer

503 Main Building, New York University, New York, NY 10003 U.S.A.

Ms. June E. Levinsohn(1998P)

343 Diver Road, S. Newfane, VT 05351, USA

Dr. Tan Slang Yong 1998P

St. Francis Medical Center Su IV,

Romm470 2230 Liliha St. Honolulu, HI 96817, USA

Dr. Michael Stephen Yesley

MS A187 Los Alamos, NM87544 U.S.A.


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