Registered address of EJAIB: P.O. Box 16 329, Hornby, Christchurch 8441, New Zealand. EJAIB is free to download and publish in, but donations are needed. ISSN 1173-2571 (Print) ISSN 2350-3106 (Online) First year of publication: 1990 Frequency: Generally bimonthly. Open access and there is no publication or referral fee. Renewal form to be a member and to genrously support our work, and receive a hard copy (word file) EJAIB adopts and complies with the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) Publication ethics and malpractice policy. All potential authors should have read these guidelines and by submission of an article for publication you acknowledge that you have complied with this policy. Violations will be handled in proportion to the intention and seriousness of the violation. Peer review process All submissions and publications in EJAIB are subject to open peer review. Your paper will be reviewed by at least two reviewers with expertise in the field of your submission. The decision to publish, revise or reject will be made within one month of your submission by the Chief or Associate Editor. Membership of any institute or society, making a donation, recommendation of a member of the editorial board, and/or no other means will alter the outcome of the independent peer review process. Paper submission Guidelines Please ensure your papers are original, make sense and are written in English, and comply with the mission of EJAIB (below). Ensure all listed authors made a contribution to the paper to warrant their inclusion. In case you seek English proofreading you may seek the services of Cambridge English online paper editing or other professionals (Email: A suggested maximum size for papers is 3000 words, including a 200 word abstract and up to ten keywords. EJAIB will publish papers of longer length based on their contribution to the field. Submission should be made by Email. Generally use alphabetical referencing, but we will accept numbered references. Please avoid footnotes, especially for bibliographic references! Please refer to the style used in papers in previous issues. Please submit papers for review to: Chief editor: Prof. Darryl Macer Director, Eubios Ethics Institute Email: Enquiries to All rights reserved.
EJAIB was the name adopted in 1995 after the first name of Eubios Ethics Institute Newsletter (EEIN) (1990-1995).
For earlier issues click the link here: Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics( EJAIB) (archive) for all issues . EJAIB was the name adopted in 1995 after the first name of Eubios Ethics Institute Newsletter (EEIN) (1990-1995). Registered address of EJAIB: P.O. Box 16 329, Hornby, Christchurch 8441, New Zealand. EJAIB is free to download and publish in, but donations are needed. ISSN 1173-2571 (Print) ISSN 2350-3106 (Online) First year of publication: 1990 Frequency: Bimonthly ever since! [In 2020 we have published 8 issues of extended length due to the COVID-19 pandemic] Open access no publication fee. Renewal form to be a member and to genrously support our work, and receive a hard copy (word file) Full chronological list of all papers published in EJAIB to search for papers . EJAIB adopts and complies with the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) Publication ethics and malpractice policy. All potential authors should have read these guidelines and by submission of an article for publication you acknowledge that you have complied with this policy. Violations will be handled in proportion to the intention and seriousness of the violation. Peer review process All submissions and publications in EJAIB are subject to open peer review. Your paper will be reviewed by at least two reviewers with expertise in the field of your submission. The decision to publish, revise or reject will be made within one month of your submission by the Chief or Associate Editor. Membership of any institute or society, making a donation, recommendation of a member of the editorial board, and/or no other means will alter the outcome of the independent peer review process. Paper submission Guidelines Please ensure your papers are original, make sense and are written in English, and comply with the mission of EJAIB (below). Ensure all listed authors made a contribution to the paper to warrant their inclusion. In case you seek English proofreading you may seek the services of Cambridge English online paper editing or other professionals (Email: A suggested maximum size for papers is 3000 words, including a 200 word abstract and up to ten keywords. EJAIB will publish papers of longer length based on their contribution to the field. Submission should be made by Email. Generally use alphabetical referencing, but we will accept numbered references. Please avoid footnotes, especially for bibliographic references! Please refer to the style used in papers in previous issues. Please submit papers for review to: Chief editor: Prof. Darryl Macer Director, Eubios Ethics Institute Email: Enquiries to All rights reserved.