Eubios Ethics Institute
Eubios Ethics Institute
The All India Bioethics Association (AIBA) was founded in 1996, and the Founding President was the late Professor Dr. Jayapaul Azariah. He served as President until January 2012 when Professor Mariodoss Selvayanagam was elected as President with the nomination of Professor Azariah and the AIBA Board members.
AIBA is the oldest association of scholars of bioethics in India and coordinated a series of nation-wide education programmes and workshops in the 1990s across the nation, in coordination with Eubios Ethics Institute.
Subsequently there have been several other associations of bioethics research established in India, and we hope many flowers can bloom. AIBA has also been closely linked to the Asian Bioethics Association since its foundation. AIBA has MOUs with ABA, Eubios Ethics Institute, UNESCO and AUSN, and will work with academics across the world who have similar goals and ideals, to promote quality scholarship and research to alleviate the ethical challenges of our world, especially as applied to India and South Asia.
Fees (updated in 2012)
Life membership: Rs.2500/-
Annual fees Rs.250/-
Students annual fees as Rs.100/-
For Foreign member fees $100
Institution membership fees Rs.5000/-
Some links:
Obituary to Professor Jayapaul Azariah
Bioethics in India (1998 Book)
Email for correspondence:
During ABC14 (Fourteenth Asian Bioethics Conference in 2014) hosted by AIBA in Chennai
During the International Conference on Ethics of Energy Technologies, 2008, Dr. Ambedkar Law University, Chennai, India.
Professor M. Selvanayagam accepting the election results to become President of AIBA from Professor Jayapaul Azariah, with Professor Darryl Macer, chair of the 2012 AIBA General Meeting.
Current Officers and Board Members:
President: Prof. Mariodoss Selvanayagm, Ph.D.
Secretary: Dr. (Mrs.) Mary Saral, Vellore Institute of Technology
Treasurer: Dr. (Mrs.) V. Balambal, Retired Professor, University of Madras, Chennai
Vice President(s):
Dr. Abhik Gupta, Assam University
Dr. Michael Jothi Rajan, Madurai District, Tamil Nadu
Prof. S. Pannerselvam, Retired Professor, University of Madras, Chennai [Chair, Working Group on Environmental Ethics]
Prof. Aruna Sivakami, Fmr Vice Chancellor, Mother Teresa's University, Kodaikhanal, Tamil Nadu
Other board members
Sr. Josephine Anto, Auxlliam College, Vellore
Dr. (Ms.) Minakshi Bhardwaj, Liverpool, U.K.
Dr. (Sr.) Daphe Furtado, Patna
Prof. (Mrs.) Janani, LICET, Loyola College, Chennai [Chair, Working Group on Engineering Ethics]
Dr. R.R. Kishore, Advocate, Supreme Court of India; President, Indian Society for Health Laws and Ethics, Delhi
Dr. (Mrs.) Nandini Kumar, ICMR, Chennai [Chair, Working Group on Ethics Committees]
Prof. Darryl Macer, Eubios Ethics Institute, Thailand and Japan
Prof. A. Manohar, Dr. Ambedkar Law University, Chennai [Chair, Working Group on Law and Policy]
Dr. A. Nalini, Saveetha University, Chennai [Chair, Working Group on Bioethics Education]
Dr. (Mrs.) Swarnalakshmi, YRG Care, Chennai [Chair, Working Group on Medical Ethics]
Publicity Secretary: Dr. V. R. Manoj, Vel Tech Rangarajan Dr.Sagunthala R&D Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai
Youth Outreach: Dr. (Ms.) Navenna Patraji, Bangalore
Dr. (Ms.) Brigitte Jansen, Germany
Dr. Balakrishna Pisupati, Chairman, National Biodiversity Authority, India
Dr. Irina Pollard, Macquarie University, Australia
Dr. Bhanu Pratap Singh, Department of Science and Technology, India
Dr. Jasdev Rai Singh, Sikh Human RIghts Group, U.K.
International Awareness Conference on Bioethics Education and Awareness, 2008, Arul Anandar College, Tamil Nadu, India
Some Recent Meetings under the patronage of AIBA include:
The 14th Asian Bioethics Conference. Chennai, India, 19-23 November 2013 (ABA).
The All India Bioethics Association meeting, 11 January 2012, LIFE auditorium, Loyola College, Chennai-600034, India.
Joint UNESCO-LIFE Workshop on Teaching Bioethics in Arts, Science and Professional Colleges, 8-10 January 2012, Loyola Institute of Frontier Energy (LIFE), Loyola College, Chennai, India.
International Conference on Ethics of Energy Technologies, 2008, Dr. Ambedkar Law University, Chennai, India.
International Awareness Conference on Bioethics Education and Awareness, 2008, Arul Anandar College, Tamil Nadu, India.
For further on the origins of AIBA in 1996 and early AIBA Newslink papers read here. Foundational meetings were held across India in 1997-1998 including:
International Bioethics Workshop, VMKV Medical College, Salem, January 1998
International Bioethics Workshop, National Law School of Indian University, Nagarbhavi, Bangalore, January 1998
International Bioethics Workshop, National Chemical Laboratory, Pune, January 1998
International Bioethics Workshop, Ahmednagar College, Ahmednagar, January 1998
International Bioethics Workshop, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, January 1998
International Workshop cum Seminar on Bioethics in India, University of Madras, January 1997.
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Eubios Ethics Institute