Eubios Ethics Institute
Eubios Ethics Institute
Goal 13 - Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts by regulating emissions and promoting developments in renewable energy.
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a collection of 17 global goals set by the United Nations General Assembly in 2015 for the year 2030.
AUSN Courses that focus on this SDG include:
Biosystematics and Biosphere (BIOS)
Environmental Ethics (ENET)
Essentials of Environmental Health (ESEH)
Indigenous Traditions and Bioethics (INTB)
International Development and Sustainability (IDSU)
Sustainability Science (SUSC)
Sustainable Urban Futures (SUUF)
There are Masters and PhD degree options that follow this SDG Curriculum to discuss all aspects of sustainable development at the American University of Sovereign Nations (AUSN), available around the world. Additional related topics are included in a variety of Advanced Research Seminar Courses. Applications for scholarships are made through submission of the Application form (in Word).
The SDG Curriculum is presented on the individual pages for each goal. The SDGs are part of Resolution 70/1 of the United Nations General Assembly, the 2030 Agenda. The goals are broad based and interdependent. The 17 sustainable development goals each have a list of targets that are measured with indicators. There are 169 targets for the 17 goals. Each target has between 1 and 3 indicators used to measure progress toward reaching the targets.
We welcome other partners to contribute materials, and for users to submit feedback and suggestions.
Where available, translations of the materials are also available.
Partner Organisations for the SDG Curriculum project are:
Accredited Universities of Sovereign Nations
American University of Sovereign Nations, USA
Eubios Ethics Institute, Japan, New Zealand and Thailand
International Peace and Development Ethics Center, Thailand
DST-NRF Centre in Indigenous Knowledge Systems, University of KwaZulu Natal, South Africa
This platform is an intellectual forum for intercultural dialogue that upholds the value of academic freedom for everyone, and the views expressed in the videos and materials are not those of any partner. Many other videos are available on AUSN Youtube Video channel (,
Materials and Resources on SDG 13. Climate action include:
Jasdev Singh Rai, Celia Thorheim, Amarbayasgalan Dorjderem, Darryl R.J. Macer. 2010. Universalism and Ethical Values for the Environment. Bangkok, Regional Unit for Social and Human Sciences in Asia and the Pacific (RUSHSAP), UNESCO Bangkok. v + 55 p. 31.
Robert A. Kanaly, Lea Ivy O. Manzanero, Gerard Foley, Sivanandam Panneerselvam, Darryl Macer. 2010. Energy Flow, Environment and Ethical Implications for Meat Production. Bangkok, Regional Unit for Social and Human Sciences in Asia and the Pacific (RUSHSAP), UNESCO Bangkok. vi + 87 pp.
Raine Boonlong, Carol Farbotko, Claire Parfondry, Colum Graham, Darryl Macer. 2011. Representation and Decision-Making in Environment Planning (with Emphasis on Energy Technologies). Bangkok, Regional Unit for Social and Human Sciences in Asia and the Pacific (RUSHSAP), UNESCO Bangkok. v + 110 pp.
Jeremy Moss, Michael McMann, Jessica Rae, Andrea Zipprich, Darryl R.J. Macer, Aori R. Nyambati, Diana Ngo, MingMing Cheng, N. Manohar, Gregor Wolbring (2012) Energy Equity and Environmental Security. Bangkok, Regional Unit for Social and Human Sciences in Asia and the Pacific (RUSHSAP), UNESCO Bangkok.Glen Kurokawa, Suman Iyengar, Darryl Macer, Kayo Uejima, Napat Chaipraditkul, Amarbayasgalan Dorjderem, Silvia Gardini, Abhik Gupta, Cao Liuying, Chamundeeswari Kuppuswamy, Amru Hydari Nazif, Jothi Rajan, Suman Rao, Aliya Tskhay (2013 Draft) Ethics and Nuclear Energy Technology. Publisher to be decided.
Macer, Darryl R.J., Bioethics is Love of Life: An Alternative Textbook; (Christchurch: Eubios Ethics Institute, 1998).
Macer, D.R.J. Bioethics for the People by the People (Christchurch, N.Z.: Eubios Ethics Institute 1994).
Ishizuka, K., Hisajima, S. & Macer D.R.J., eds., Traditional Technology for Environmental Conservation & Sustainable Development in the Asian-Pacific Region (Master's Program in Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Japan 1996).
AUSN youtube videos that focus on SDG 13. Climate action include:
Prof. Daphne Viveka, Exploring the bioethical principle of “Vulnerability” in the context of the glocal challenge of Climate Change
Prof. Rainier Ibana, International ethical principles for climate change: Adaptation to Mitigation
Prof. Chutatip Umajanavi, Presence of Mind with Nature and Mind
Prof. M. Selvanayagam, The need and the use of Environmental Remediation and Ethics
Prof. John Weckert, Living well with nature and technology
Prof. Darryl Macer, Govindan Parayil, Lara Lopez, Chutatip Umajanavi, Sustainability inspired by the Grand Canyon
Prof. Manjae Kim, The lack of environmental ethics in dealing with particulate matter in Korea
Prof. Alex Waller, Policies to avoid lifeboat choices on the Ark in the Catastrophian Age
Prof. S. Pannerselvam, Eco-consciousness and Life-situation in Understanding Cross-cultural Bioethics, , xxx
Prof. Chutatip Umavijani, King Bhumiphol's Sufficiency Economy and Aristotle's Happiness on Self-Sufficiency for our Sustainable Future
Prof. M. Selvanayagam, Is Bioethics relevant today for Climate Change Deliberations and the Future of Health?
Prof. Lee Shui Chuen , Bioethics as Ethics of Survival: Critical Reflections on the Crisis of Global Warming
Prof. Shui-Chuen Lee, Re-conception of Bioethics as Ethics of Survival: An Integration of Moral Individualism and Holism
Prof. Darryl Macer, Environmental Ethics, Chapter 7 (Part A) of Bioethics is Love of Life
Prof. Darryl Macer, Environmental Ethics, Chapter 7 (Part B) of Bioethics is Love of Life
Prof. Ravichandran Moorthy, Humanizing ethics: the synergy between environmental ethics and human security
Prof. Jasdev Rai, Should we recreate a spiritual connection with nature? Lessons from worldview project
Prof. Marlon Lofredo Designing and Implementing Ethical Environmental Disaster Mitigation and Management Projects through Integral Ecology Approach
Prof. Marlon Lofredo, Integral Ecology and Human Security
Prof. Ravichandran Moorthy, The Nexus between Environmental Ethics and Human Security: For Sustainability and Human Well-being
Prof. M. Selvanayagam, Ethics of eWaste
Prof. Soraj Hongladarom, Environmental Ethics
Prof. Endang Sukara, Environment and Biosphere
Prof. Sivanandam Panneerselvam, Cross-cultural bioethics: Western and Hindu philosophical traditions
Prof. Chutatip Umavijani, Spiritual Sustainability
Prof. Irina Pollard, International Perspectives on Human Reproduction Across Generations
Prof. Leonard Le Blanc, Ethical Considerations and Managing Refugee Populations due to Climate Change: A Historical Overview and Recommendations (in Dhaka)
Prof. Leonard LeBlanc, Ethical Considerations and Managing Refugee Populations due to Climate Change: A Historical Overview and Recommendations
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Eubios Ethics Institute