Eubios Ethics Institute
Eubios Ethics Institute
Goal 3 - Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a collection of 17 global goals set by the United Nations General Assembly in 2015 for the year 2030.
AUSN Courses that focus on this SDG include:
Bioethics and Genetics (BEGE)
Core Concepts in Bioethics & Cultural Frameworks (CCBE)
Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Public Health (EBPH)
Essentials of Community Health (ESCH)
Essentials of Health Behavior (ESHB)
Essentials of Public Health (ESPH)
Healthcare Finance and Economics (HFEC)
Healthcare Management (HCMT)
Human Research Subject Protection (HRSP)
Indigenous Knowledge Systems in Public Health Care (IKSH)
Public Health Law, Ethics & Policy Analysis (PHLE)
Public Health Preparedness and Bio-terrorism (PHPB)
Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine (STEM)
There are Masters and PhD degree options that follow this SDG Curriculum to discuss all aspects of sustainable development at the American University of Sovereign Nations (AUSN), available around the world. Additional related topics are included in a variety of Advanced Research Seminar Courses. Applications for scholarships are made through submission of the Application form (in Word).
The SDG Curriculum is presented on the individual pages for each goal. The SDGs are part of Resolution 70/1 of the United Nations General Assembly, the 2030 Agenda. The goals are broad based and interdependent. The 17 sustainable development goals each have a list of targets that are measured with indicators. There are 169 targets for the 17 goals. Each target has between 1 and 3 indicators used to measure progress toward reaching the targets.
We welcome other partners to contribute materials, and for users to submit feedback and suggestions.
Where available, translations of the materials are also available.
Partner Organisations for the SDG Curriculum project are:
Accredited Universities of Sovereign Nations
American University of Sovereign Nations, USA
Eubios Ethics Institute, Japan, New Zealand and Thailand
International Peace and Development Ethics Center, Thailand
DST-NRF Centre in Indigenous Knowledge Systems, University of KwaZulu Natal, South Africa
This platform is an intellectual forum for intercultural dialogue that upholds the value of academic freedom for everyone, and the views expressed in the videos and materials are not those of any partner. Many other videos are available on AUSN Youtube Video channel (,
Materials and Resources on SDG 3. Good health and well-being for people include:
United Nations Official SDG Goal 3 Update and News
Macer, Darryl R.J., et al., eds, UNESCO, IUBS, Eubios Bioethics Dictionary ( Christchurch, Eubios Ethics Institute, 2002). On-line: biodict.htm
Macer, DRJ.ed. 2006. Section D. Medical Ethics (Teacher Print Out MS Word File). A Cross-Cultural Introduction to Bioethics, Eubios Ethics Institute (
Macer, DRJ.ed. 2006. Section C. Genetics and Ethics (Teacher Print Out MS Word File). A Cross-Cultural Introduction to Bioethics, Eubios Ethics Institute (
Macer, DRJ.ed. 2006. Section E. Assisted Reproduction and Ethics (Teacher Print Out MS Word File). A Cross-Cultural Introduction to Bioethics, Eubios Ethics Institute (
Macer, DRJ.ed. 2006. Section F. Neurosciences, Addiction and Ethics (Teacher Print Out MS Word File). A Cross-Cultural Introduction to Bioethics, Eubios Ethics Institute (
Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights
English [pdf 52KB] / French [pdf 57KB] / Japanese [pdf 246KB] / Chinese [pdf 440KB] / Arabic [pdf, 400KB]
Macer, Darryl R.J. (2003) Ethical, legal and social issues of genetically modified disease vectors in public health. UNDP/World Bank/WHO Special Program for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases (TDR), Geneva, 2003.
Kuppuswamy, C, Macer, D.R.J., Serbulea, M. and Tobin, B., Is Human Reproductive Cloning Inevitable: Future Options for UN Governance (Yokohama: United Nations University - Institute of Advanced Studies, 2007).
AUSN youtube videos that focus on SDG 3. Good health and well-being for people include (See below for sections on Traditional Medicine, and Genetics):
Prof. Darryl Macer, Bioethics and Global Public Health
Prof. Atsushi Asai, Hope for the best and prepare for the worst: A study on ethical concerns related to the introduction of healthcare artificial intelligence in Japan
Prof. Osama Rajhkan, The 9 Transformations of Health and Fitness: Rationality and morality adequate to meet Human Need in the 21st century
Prof. Deborah Kala Perkins and Prof. Tamar Gidron, The ART of Birthing Life in Integrity: From Bioethics to Politics with Assisted Reproductive Technologies; Legal concerns in gene editing: compliance with religious, cultural and social norms and values; does the law has any chance at all in a world of overflowing new technologies?
Prof. Wenyu Hu, The ethical issues of terminal cancer patients in receiving palliative care or clinical trial (ABC19)
Prof. Bang-ook Jun, Burning the bridges between Neuroethics and Bioethics? (ABC19)
Prof. Dr. Soenarto Sastrowijoto, Bioethical issues in palliative care in Indonesia
Prof. Osama Rajhkan, Octopus: A Path to Integral Personal Health
Prof. Mariadoss Selvanayagam, Bioethics and Global health with reference to Hand washing in Children
Prof. Ananya Triptipthumrongchok, Fortune Telling and Mental Health Support
Prof. Darryl Macer, Informed Choice and Truth-telling (CCIB 4.1, 4.3) from AUSN-BBS workshop, Jan 2015.
Prof. Marlon P. Lofredo, Revisiting Parental Right and Medical Paternalism: The Charlie Gard Dilemma
Prof. Miyako Takagi, Ethical issues in medical and health care innovation
Prof. Rhyddhi Chakraborty, Health Capability and Public Health Disasters
Prof. Jasdev Rai, Organ Trade and Ethics of Organ Transplantation in India
Prof. Soraj Hongladarom, Ethics of Robot Care for the Elderly
Prof. Miyako Takagi, Ethics of Kidney Transplants
Prof. Darryl Macer, Medical Ethics, Chapter 3 of Bioethics is Love of Life (Textbook)
Prof. Bangook Jun, Reflection on the bone marrow donation to Sung-Duk Bauman
Prof. Miko Ferine, Exploration of the Breaking Bad News Process: Doctor’s Experiences in Banyumas Regency, Indonesia
Prof. Irina Pollard, Bioethics and Reproductive Health Care: Biological Mechanisms – Bioethical Challenges
Prof. Wen-Yu Hu, The Ethical Issues and Consideration of Terminal Care from Research, Education and Practice Aspects
Prof. Dr. Wen-Yu Hu, Nursing Professional Role in Clinical Trials and Palliative Care
Prof. Darryl Macer, Linkages between Bioethics, Public Health Ethics & Environmental Ethics
Prof. Duujian Tsai, Challenges of Smart Technology on Clinical Bioethics
Prof. Ryo Takahashi,, The Science, Philosophy and Bioethics of Gerontology in the Context of Our Future
Prof. Raul Garza Garza , Ethics of Best Clinical Practices in Research (AUSN-IIB workshop)
Prof. Miko Ferine, Patients’ Choice and Consent in Indonesia
Prof. Raul Garza, Vulnerability Principles and Ethics
Prof. Darryl Macer, Bioethics and Research Ethics
Prof. Nilza Maria Diniz, Conflicts of Interest in Research Involving Human Beings
Prof. Anwarullah Bhuiyan, Obtaining Informed Consent in Research: What Can Bangladesh Learn from Japan
Prof. Krishna Adhikari, How to Resolve Ethical Dilemmas in Clinical Decision Making
Prof. Shamima Lasker, Knowledge of Ethics Committee (EC) Members Regarding Bioethics and Structure & Function of EC in Bangladesh; Research ethics (ABC19)
Prof. Dr. Darryl Macer, Development of the UNESCO Bioethics Declarations
Prof. Takao Takahashi, Behind the Attitudes to Disaster and Disease
Prof. Raquel Smith, Navigating the World of Mental Health Interventions and Bioethics Following Community Disasters
Prof. Duujian Tsai, Pragmatic Challenges to Contemporary Visions of Professionalism in Taiwan and Western Countries-Proposing and Evaluating a Situational and Relational Learning Paradigm Based on Community Mental Health
Prof. Aruna Sivakami, Public and Private Health care
Prof. Ravi Shankar, Public and Private Health care
Prof. Umar Angarra Jenie, Bioethics of pharmaceutical services in Indonesia
Prof. Shamima Lasker, Public responsibility in healthcare
Prof. Jasdev Rai, Wider implications of the right to die debate in the UK
Prof. Osama Rajhkan, Development, CO2, and understanding personal health today
Prof. Takao Takahashi, Triage and the medicine in disasters
Prof. Darryl Macer, Global Bioethics and AUSN (Turkey)
Prof. Michael Cheng-Tek Tai, The Cultural Impact on Autonomy
Prof. Siti Nurani Noor, Malaysian Bioethics, Disputes and Leads - A Bio-historical and Authentic Perspective
Traditional Medicines and IKS
Prof. Hassan Kaya, Global Ethical Problems Arising in Evidence-based Traditional Medicines: comparative Cases from African and Asian countries
Prof. Angelica M Baylon, Ethics of Aeta Traditional Healers in the Philippines
Prof. Mihaela Serbulea, Integrative medicine, homeopathy
Prof. Angelica Baylon, Traditional Medical Practitioners and Bioethics in the Philippines
Prof. Yingyong Paisooksantivatana, Traditional Medicines and traditional medicinal plants
Prof. Chutatip Umavijani, Buddhist Meditation
Prof. Angelica Baylon, Traditional healing practices of indigenous people in the Philippines
Prof. Neoh Choo Aun, Traditional knowledge, Acupuncture, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Austronesian Traditional Medicine and East-West-Native Integrated Future Global Medicine –Neoh Choo Aun
Prof. Mihaela Serbulea, Traditional Medicine, Policy and Examples (including Grand Canyon)
Prof. John Kabudi, Public Health Care Communication and Advocacy Systems
Prof. Mayashree Chinsamy, Triple heritage of traditional medicine in South Africa
Prof. Mayashree Chinsamy, The Ethical Challenges of African Traditional Medical Practice in South Africa
Prof. Mayashree Chinsamy, The Comparative Universality of Ubuntu Ethical Values as an African Indigenous Philosophy in Public Healthcare
Prof. Hassan Kaya, The African Indigenous Philosophy of Ubuntu as Public Healthcare Policy
Prof. Mihaela Serbulea, Indigenous Concepts of Health in Europe
Prof. Ananya Tritipthumrongchok, Enhancement of Mental Health through Fortune Telling
Genetics and Health
Prof. Darryl Macer, Bioethics, Genetics, Mutation & Disease (CCIB 3.1)
Prof. Darryl Macer, Genetics Testing and Bioethics (CCIB 3.4)
Prof. Darryl Macer, Genetic Privacy (CCIB 3.5)
Prof. Teguh Haryo Sasongko, Informed consent features for human genomic research – A Malaysian case study
Prof. Nilza Maria Diniz, Reflections on Gene Editing and Transhumanism
Prof. Miyako Okada-Takagi, Consideration for promotion of muscle growth by gene editing (ABC19)
Prof. Dr. Bang-Ook Jun, Ethics of Human Gene-Editing
Prof. Miyako Okada-Takagi, Gene Doping and Genome Editing
Bang-Ook Jun , Eradicating mosquitoes? The promise and peril of gene drive technology
Prof. Marlon Lofredo, Gene Editing: Defining boundaries and the limitation of the unknown
Prof. Soraj Hongladarom, Ethical Considerations of Gene Editing
Prof. John Weckert, Playing God with human lives
Prof. Chutatip Umavijani, Buddhist Perspectives upon Disease and Human Gene Editing
Prof. Darryl Macer, International Approaches to Regulation of Human Genetic Modification
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Eubios Ethics Institute