Eubios Ethics Institute
Eubios Ethics Institute
LBD10 Action Plans
The following action plans were those completed during LBD10 workshop. This does not include some further plans.
Towards Youth Engagement in Reducing the Farmer- Fulani Herdsmen Crisis in Kwara State, Nigeria - Samson Adewale Dada, NIgeria
Disasters caused by hackers and Cybercrime: An Action Plan to educate students to increase cybersecurity - Mahta Baratipour, Iran
Preparing for Disaster Risk Prevention and Management as an Extension Program of the Panpacific University, Philippines - Rhonda Padilla & Engelbert Pasag, the Philippines
Combating Disasters by Addressing Graft and Corruption in the Philippines - Angelica M Baylon, the Philippines
Trends in Shaping the Future of Global Ports: Implications to Disaster Resilience from Maritime Bioethicists Perspectives - Eduardo Santos and Angelica Baylon, the Philippines
Designing and Implementing Ethical Environmental Disaster Mitigation and Management Projects through Integral Ecology Approach - Marlon Lofredo, the Philippines
Syria: from rose to disaster - M. Mahmoud Lahmouni, Syria/Turkey
Mind your Mind Action Plan - Ma. Khaila Isabelle A. Chua and Marie Christine Sofiah De Vera, the Philippines
Interactive Movable Exhibit For Disaster Education - Marie Christine Ayesha Z. De Vera, the Philippines and Shuoyang Hu, China
Fire Risk Reduction through Education for Mahstan Rsidential Towers in Tehran, Iran - Narges Mortazavi, Iran
Child Marriage and Ethical Dilemmas - Tahera Ahmed, Bangladesh
Poster (Pdf file)
Venue: Beşikçizade Center for Medical Humanities (BETİM): Kızılelma St., Topçu Emin Bey Dr. 4, Fındıkzade, Istanbul, Turkey
Draft agenda file (pdf file)
Cosponsors included: Beşikçizade Center for Medical Humanities (BETİM); Eubios Ethics Institute; American University of Sovereign Nations (AUSN); United Nations Academic Impact; International Peace and Development Ethics Centre; Youth Looking Beyond Disaster; Youth Peace Ambassadors International
Since 2010, Eubios Ethics Institute in cooperation with partner institutions including American University of Sovereign Nations (AUSN), UNESCO, Hiroshima Peace Culture Foundation and others have organized 16 Youth Peace Ambassador (YPA) and 9 Youth Looking Beyond Disaster (LBD) Training Workshops across the world with 900 youth from 50 countries.
Workshop participation also counted as 3 credit hours for American University of Sovereign Nations (AUSN) Masters or PhD degrees or the Postgraduate Certificate in Community and Peace course (see AUSN is a member of the United Nations Academic Impact (UNAI) upholding the principles of the UN Charter through theory and action.
Contact emails:
Participants agreed to a 4 page statement: Istanbul Communiqué on Looking Beyond Disaster 2019
The Turkish translation is here (pdf file)
Most presentations are available on a playlist on the AUSN youtube channel.
Participants joined together to develop resilience to disasters before they occur. This can save lives. We refer to both natural and human-made disasters. Individuals and representatives of countries and organizations came from all faith communities and interests. People of all ages are welcome if you are young at heart and enjoy to be with persons from different places in our global community.
Speakers and trainers included:
Prof. Tahera Ahmed, North-South University, Bangladesh
Prof. Angelica Baylon,Executive Director, Maritime Academy of Asia and the Pacific (MAAP), the Philippines; Member, AUSN Board of Governors, AUSN Visiting Professor in Chemistry, Maritime Science and Community Studies
Assoc. Prof. Hakan Ertin, Istanbul University, Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, Department of Medical History and Ethics; Director of Beşikçizade Center for Medical Humanities (BETİM), Istanbul, Turkey.
Assoc. Prof. Elif Vatanoğlu-Lutz, Koç University School of Medicine (KUSOM), Department of Ethics and History of Medicine, Istanbul, Turkey.
Asst. Prof. Tayyibe Bardakçı, Istinye University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Deontology and Medical History, Istanbul, Turkey.
Prof. Hasan Erbay, Afyonkarahisar Health Sciences University, Turkey; AUSN Visiting Professor of Medical Ethics
Prof. Leonard Le Blanc, III, AUSN Professor in Social Sciences and Human Security, Dean, AUSN, USA
Ms. Charlotte Gapasin, Youth Peace Ambassador, the Philippines
Mr. Samson Abeyale Dada, Youth Peace Ambassador, Nigeria
Mr. Nabiollah Masoumi, Youth Peace Ambassador, Bulgaria
Prof. Darryl Macer, President, American University of Sovereign Nations (AUSN), USA/New Zealand; Former UNESCO Regional Adviser for Asia and the Pacific
Dr. Sukran Sevimli, Van Yuzuncu Yıl University Faculty of Medicine, Van-Turkey
Prof. Raquel Smith, AUSN Professor of Clinical Psychology and Emergency Preparedness, USA
Prof. Ananya Tritipthumrongchok, AUSN Professor of Fortune Telling and Leadership Development, Thailand; General Managr, Eubios Ethics Institute; Member, AUSN Board of Governors
Prof. Dr. M. İhsan Karaman, President, Federation of Islamic Medical Associations (FIMA)
and others...
No matter what your circumstances or age you are welcome to join. Together, the participants identify issues that can promote a culture of peace. So far they have developed over 500 action projects promoted at making a difference in their communities. Participants will also present their LBD or YPA action plan developed with the mentoring of the facilitators at the Workshop during the event. In the presentation of the action plan that you can develop you can join together with other person(s) up to 3 per team. You will be able to change during the workshop, as you learn from the examples of previous action plans, and make new connections with people from other countries.
More information will be added soon!
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Eubios Ethics Institute