Eubios Ethics Institute
Eubios Ethics Institute
Action Plans of the Second Youth Forum Looking Beyond Disaster, held in Sendai, Japan, 16-19 August 2012.
Social Support
Mr. Yuta Hayashi, Mr. Kengo Naruta Mr. Kenta Shimada, Ms. Fumika Miura, Mr. Tsuyoshi Sotoya (Japan) – Share Disaster Memories [Action Plan - Result]
Ms. Ita Pravitasari (Indonesia) - Psychology Rescuer Club [Action Plan - Result]
Mr. Arif Hossain Laskar (Bangladesh) - Involving Affected and Poor People in Social Businesses to Regain Their Hope and Confidence [Action Plan - Result]
Ms. Sri Hindriyastuti, Ms. Siti Irsalina (Indonesia) - Trauma Healing Program for the Victims of Disaster [Action Plan - Result]
Mr. Teguh Heriyanto (Indonesia) - Marine Ecosystem as a Sink for Carbon Dioxide [Action Plan - Result]
Mr. Kaichard Ruttanawongchai, Mr. Bui Thanh Tung, Mr. Rachaphum Panichsombat, Ms. Sarita Worravitudomsuk (Thailand) – Youth Talking About the Environment [Action Plan - Result]
Mr. Haruya Nihei (Japan), Mr. Angelo Paolo Kalaw, Mr. Ricardo Roy A. Lopez, Mr Cris John Lorena, Ms. Paraluman M. Torregoza, Ms. Farahnaz A. Ghodsinia (The Philippines) - Waste Reduction in Local Philippine Communities Towards Disaster Resilience [Action Plan - Result]
Ms. Mustika Sari Virginia, Mr. Rizky Arief Kautsar, Ms. Monicha Sari Virginia, Ms. Trifani T.Prihantini (Indonesia) – Dream Tree Project to Reduce The Disaster Flooding in Jakarta Suburbs [Action Plan - Result]
Disaster Risk Reduction
Ms. Heather Bickerton and Mr. Mark Letham (New Zealand) - Understanding Active Volcanoes and Disaster Research Group [Action Plan - Result]
Ms. Oludolapo Taiwo Fakuade (Nigeria) - Safety Education [Action Plan - Progress Result]
Ms. So Yon Kwon (Republic of Korea), Ms. Mrinal Rai (Nepal)– Hand in Hand for Disasters [Action Plan - Result]
Mr. Rashid Minhas, Mr. Zia Uddin (Pakistan) - Disaster Risk Reduction Through Community Awareness [Action Plan - Result]
Mr. Reynaldo Krissancha Azarya, Mr. Rashif Arka Muhammad, Ms. Anggita Putri Chaerani (Indonesia), Ms. Heather Bickerton (New Zealand), Mr. Rizky Arief Kautsar , Mr. Juli Efendi (Indonesia) - Yogyakarta Action Plan – Continuous Education through a Library for People in Remote Areas of Merapi [Action Plan - Result]
Mr. Rimesh Khanal (Nepal) – Prevention is Better than Cure [Action Plan - Result]
Mr. Bradley McPherson and Ms. Heather Bickerton (New Zealand)- Disaster First Aid [Action Plan - Result]
Ms. Siti Irsalina (Indonesia) – Preparing for the Future Towards a Disaster Resilient Community [Action Plan - Result]
Mr. Ahmad Anhar Syahputra, Mr. Ahmad Alhawarizmi, Ms. Rica Handayani, Ms. Windy Reflusia, Mr Rangga Rahadi Putra (Indonesia) – Education of Disaster [Action Plan - Result]
Ms. Chalida Zia Firdausi (Indonesia) - Disaster Education as Extracurricular Activities for Elementary School Children [Action Plan - Result]
Mr. Jason Pemberton (New Zealand)- Resilience through Self Development and Leadership [Action Plan - Result]
Ms. Rachael Hodge, Mr. Bradley McPherson, Mr. Hohua Kurene, Ms. Heather Bickerton (New Zealand) - Reel Life Through a Lens –[Database] [Action Plan - Result]
Ms. Chloe Biddick, Ms. Benazir Kumar (New Zealand)- Tumblr Disaster Victim Support [Action Plan - Result]
Ms. Maria Bernadet Karina Dewi, Ms. Siti Irsalina, plus all Indonesian Participants- Creating an Indonesian Youth Network on Disaster Reduction and Recovery [Action Plan - Result]
Mr. Mark Letham (New Zealand), Mr. Salvador Cantellano and Mr. Owen Novello (Australia)– Sharing the Science Beyond Disasters with Digital Story Telling [Action Plan - Result]
Ms. Farahnaz A. Ghodsinia, Mr. Ricardo Roy A. Lopez (The Philippines), Mr. Haruya Nihei (Japan), Ms. Maria Bernadet Karina Dewi (Indonesia) – LBD Blog [Action Plan - Result]
Mr. Salvador Cantellano, Ms. Tal Fitzpatrick, Mr. Owen Novello, Ms. Hayley Low (Australia) - Looking Beyond Disasters Documentary Film Project and App [Action Plan - Result]
LBD forums are organised through cooperation between Eubios Ethics Institute and American University of Soveriegn Nations (AUSN). LBD1 and LBD2 were also organised in cooperation with RUSHSAP at UNESCO Bangkok, and other partners.
LBD2 was funded by Eubios Ethics Institute, along with contributions from Education Center for Disaster Reduction, University of Hyogo and Miyagi International Association.
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Eubios Ethics Institute