Eubios Ethics Institute
Eubios Ethics Institute
University of Hyogo - Eubios Looking Beyond Disaster Youth Forum (LBD3), Kobe, Japan, 8-11 September 2013
Follow the links to profiles of trainees and to their Action Plans.... (Meeting report)
Children focused
Ms. Umayra Priyanto, Mr. Surya Adhi Kurnia Bhakti (Indonesia) - Helping Homeless Kids
Mr. Ari Fakhrus Sanny, Ms. Nora Evriani, (Indonesia), Ms. Sayoko Murakami (Japan) - Child Disaster Awareness for School and Communities (CDASC) and Forecasting Disaster
Mr. Benjamin Morris (Wales) - Educating Refugees on Disaster and Safety Procedures
Mr. Muslihudin (Uli) Sharbinie (Indonesia) - Volunteer School in Disaster Area
Ms. Shanti Lasminingsih, Mr. Dhia Octa Dessandhya Aggaputra, Mr. Deni Welfin, Mr. Rashif Arka Muhammad (Indonesia) - Public Education for Children on Landslide Mitigation in Yogyakarta
Mr. Takehiro Baba, Mr. Uda Naoto, Ms. Niki Seira, Mr. Kengo Naruta, Ms. Mayu Watanabe, (Japan) - Disaster Reduction Education
Mr. Teguh Heriyanto, Mr. Fernando Setiawan Sihotang (Indonesia) - Mangrove Communication Media
Mr. Diwas Chaulagain, Mr. Rimesh Khanal, Mr. Bibek Adhikari, Ms. Bijayata Maharjan, Mr. Dibakar Babu Bhattarai, Ms. Deepa Maharjan, Ms. Dolma Lama (Nepal) - Nepal National LBD Forum
Mr. Aziz Ibrahim Adibowo, Ms. Lintang Gustika Paratu, Ms. Andhina Ratri Aryani, Ms. Almira Elmida Kustari (Indonesia) - Founding KRI (Disaster Volunteer Community of Indonesia - Komunitas Relawan Indonesia) and Holding a Youth Disaster Festival in Jogyakarta
Mr. Marlon Patrick Lofredo, Mr. Dino Ticar Tordesillas, Mr. Chadwick B. Tan (The Philippines) - Organizing LBD4 in Philippines
Dr. Prof. Ir. Dwikorita Karnawati, Dr. Wahyu Wilopo, Dr. Agung Setianto (Indonesia) - Organizing LBD5 in Yogyakarta
Mr. Sasaki Akihiko (Japan) LBD3 photographs and video
Ms. Anggita Putri Chaerani, Ms. Erwina Salsabila, Mr. Reynaldo Krissancha Azarya (Indonesia) - Reviving Tourism to Mt. Merapi
Mr. Kawakami Sho (Japan) - Tour sharing the memories of the great Hanshin earthquake in 1995
Mr. Yoshida Tetsuro (Japan) - Tour to Chernobyl and Feedback on Nuclear Disasters for Japan
Mr. Achmad Wildan, Ms. Emillia Rizky Ekanandya Lakzmi, Ms. Arfika Pertiwi Putri (Indonesia) - The Role of Mass Media for Disaster Management
Ms. Eileen Claire Macapagal, Ms. Cheryll Angeline B. Serrano, Mr. Ian P. Mangosing, Ms. Mary Grace Ver, Mr. Justin David (the Philippines) - Life: Before and After Disaster
Network making
Mr. Miyamoto Taiki, Mr. Iwasaki Hirotaka (Japan) - The Network for Disaster Reduction and Recovery
Mr. Koike Hirotaka, Mr. Mizan B.F. Bisri (Japan) - Volunteer Group Foundation for Students and Collaboration with Kobe RMC: An Action Plan
Mr. Yuji Aasishi, Mr. Masahiko Jin, Mr. Genta Nakano, Ms. Aki Yamanaka (Japan), Mr. Ari Fakhrus Sanny (Indonesia) - Raising Funds for LBD Action for Disasters
Mr. Mohammad Haroon (Afghanistan) - Towards a National Framework for Disaster Management
Ms. Morenike Olufon (Nigeria) - Laws to Help us Deal with Disasters
Youth Exchange
Ms. Akiko Ishihara, Dr. Michiko Banba, Ms. Megumi Saito (Japan) - Exchange Tour - Fukushima Youth to Nagasaki/Minamata
Ms. Marie Goto, Ms. Yamanaka Aki, Ms. Takemoto Natsumi (Japan) - Changing Indifference to Interest
See the draft Agenda (PDF). (Meeting report)
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The outcomes of LBD3 included:
A successful meeting
At LBD3 there were more experts than at LBD2 and LBD1 interacting with young professionals and youth, and the geographical focus was more global. The conference brought together experts from different fields of disaster management and young professionals who are working to rebuild communities from disasters.
The participants had experienced natural disasters, and the challenges that means for their communities. Some had developed structures to enhance youth community service, and youth involvement in recovering from communities. If you have any inquiries you can write to the organizers.
The participants developed two dozen action plans, and some participants from previous LBD forums presented the results of their past activity. The venue and dates for LBD4 and LBD5 were decided for 2014.
The Third International Youth Forum Looking Beyond Disaster (LBD3) was the team who organised LBD2, led by Professors Darryl Macer and Michiko Banba, with funding from the Education Center for Disaster Reduction University of Hyogo and Eubios Ethics Institute, in cooperation with the American University of Sovereign Nations and Sakura-Net.
The organisers were the Education Center for Disaster Reduction at the University of Hyogo, Eubios Ethics Institute, and American University of Sovereign Nations (AUSN).
On the last day many participants joined the excursion to Awajima, to visit the fault museum and site of the Great 1995 Awajima-Hanshin earthquake.
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