Eubios Ethics Institute
Eubios Ethics Institute
Youth represent a very creative part of the population to change the world by embracing all the opportunities that come with different environments. Tourism and volunteerism have become two areas of growing potential for youth to exercise social responsibility. Promoting these two is the objective of a new programme to facilitate volunteer tourism which will build on the various youth related activities that have been funded by Eubios Ethics Institute, in cooperation with partners over the past several years.
The templates here are developed as a result of a survey on an exchange housing programme that would help youth volunteers enhance their personal development both as volunteers and individuals. Some people can host others, and some cannot, but this programme is open to all trainees. Based on the respondent’s profile, this project will be implemented taking into consideration the needs and the level of exchange interest between these groups. This will depend upon your feedback and future commitment.
Each person/group who is willing to host others should fill in a simple template, and send back to us. Exchanges will contribute to the progress of the action plans, and bridge the gap between the trainees. In this way, the exchange volunteer programme will promote not only local tourism, awareness and understanding, matching specific skills to specific needs and stronger relationships. We hope this will also motivate people to work for future projects and increase the number of volunteers.
This project is a serious commitment betwen YPA and LBD members. We are pleased to offer some templates already, and others should send their templates to Applicants should directly write to the contact person on the template forms.
Templates for Exchange for Peace
Faizul H. Ibrahim, Brunai Darussalam
International Peace Park, Thailand
More will be added soon.
Why not do an exchange for peace programme between attending the YPA6 in Bangkok, Thailand, dates between 25 May - 2 June 2013 and the expected LBD3 in Indonesia.
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Eubios Ethics Institute