Eubios Ethics Institute
Eubios Ethics Institute
Action Plans and Profiles from YPA10, 20-24 May 2015, Faculty of Medicine,Universitas Jenderal Soedirman (UNSOED), Purwokerto, Indonesia; and 24-25 May, Peace Generation. Bandung, Indonesia
Mr. Muslihudin Sharbinie, Indonesia – Sanctuary for Stray Cats
Mr. Donopan Simanungkalit and Ms. Enggar Yulia Wardani, Indonesia - Potential of Ecosocial-Based Aquafarming to Increase Coastal Land Utilization and Fishermen’s Economic Livelihood
Ms. Gloria Marcella Morgen Wiria, Indonesia – Glow for Indonesia
Mr. M. Rezki Achyana, Indonesia - Spreading Awareness and Understanding about Autistic Kids and Special Needs Kids to Society
Ms. Ong Reaya Sany, Indonesia - SOVIA: Short Movie for Thalassemia
Mr. Raditya Bagas Wicaksono, Mr. Gagah Baskara Adi Nugraha, Mr. Ageng Bella Dinata, Ms. Yahdiyani Razanah, Ms. Mirzania Mahya Fathia, Ms. Mulia Sari, Indonesia - Anti-Bullying Campaign "Love Each Other"
Mr. Sol Erwin Diaz, Philippines - Feeding Program to Malnourished Children of Barangay Palao, Iligan City, Philippines
Mr. Ikbar Sallim Al Asyari, Indonesia – Y-SIE (Youth and Student Intra-Exchange)
Mr. Maruf Hassan Pulok and Mr. Muhammad Ziaul Huq, Bangladesh – Youth Peace Ambassadors Club Bangladesh
Prof. Rowena Fajardo Zoilo and Mr. Paolo Gabriel D. Jamer, Philippines – I CAN Promote Entrepreneurship: Sharing Expertise in Business and Rebuilding Communities
Ms. Ananya Tritipthumrongchok, Thailand – Fortune Telling for Charity
Mr. Pipin Ramadhani Thahir, Indonesia – Youth Presenting Film for Peace (YPF) Festival
Ms. Feby Basco-Lunag, Philippines – Indigenous Youth Empowerment
Prof Angelica M Baylon, Philippines – Hosting YPA in MAAP, Bataan, the Philippines in 2016
Mr. Ramanathan Thurairajoo, Singapore – Enviro Peace Begins in You and Me
Mr. Tam Hoang, Australia – Building the Capacity of Youth Facilitators
Drs. Dyah Woro Dwo Lestari, Amalia Muhaimin, Miko Ferine – The Beauty in Diversity
Mr. Muslihudin Sharbinie, Indonesia – Completion of School Building (Continue Action Plan)
Mr. Jeremiah Jena, Indonesia – Project for Protecting Women’s Life through HeLiT
Mr. Muslihudin Sharbinie, Indonesia – Stopping Dolphin Slaughter and Captive Show (Continue Action Plan)
We invite you to join empowered young professionals and youth from around the world with the Youth Peace Ambassadors (YPA) International in building peace in the world. Youth from countries all around the world will share experiences of working to promote the culture of peace and to develop practical action plans. For the tenth YPA we will hold the full training for the first time in Indonesia. Indonesian delegates have participated in many YPAs abroad, so this time many foreign delegates can meet Youth Ambassadors from all across Indonesia. In 1955 Indonesia hosted the Africa-Asia Summit, the start of the G77 and non-aligned movement. Fifty years on, let’s meet together in Indonesia!
There will be an optional trip to Bandung at the end of the YPA10; and an Intensive Bioethics and Ability Studies Course from the 18 May.
Faculty and Facilitators include Prof. Darryl Macer, Director, Eubios Ethics Institute and Provost; Director, Institute of Indigenous Peoples and Global Studies, AUSN; Prof. Amalia Muhaimin, UNSOED and AUSN; and many other Youth Activists and AUSN Visiting Professors (the draft agenda will be available soon).
Organizing Committee includes Diyah Woro Dwi Lestari; Tisna Sendy Pratama; Miko Ferine; Amalia Muhaimin; Faidh Husnan; Andrian Novatmiko; Lutfi Maulana; Ageng Bella Dinata; Gagah Baskara Adi Nugroho; Mulia Sari; Raditya Bagas Wicaksono; Yahdiyani Razanah; Ananya Tritipthumrongchok; Darryl Macer; Annisa Rahma Jefi; Ita Pravitasari; Muslihudin Sharbinie (Uli); Ukhfi Thursina; Novalita Arisanti Irawan.
Accommodation and Meals included -Early Bird Rates by 30 April
The conference fee including accommodation, field trips and meals during the workshop from 20 May morning to 24 May evening is USD300 (Pay by 30 April for Early Bird Rate of USD250). For those local youth who do not require accommodation the rate is USD150, and regular fee after 30 April USD200.
How to apply: Applications should include a letter of intent, including full name, address, affiliation, age, past activities, and hopes (use registration form below) to Email: and
For previous trainees of YPA or LBD workshops the applicants do not need to submit the letter of intent but fill in the form to register.
Intensive Conference on Bioethics and Ability Studies
There was also a AUSN-UNSOED Intensive Bioethics and Ability Studies Course from 18-20 May in UNSOED, which counted as credit for postgraduate student
Download the Call for participation (pdf) , draft agenda (pdf) and comments to:
The application form for YPA10 (Word)
During the YPA10 we will take a 4 hour philosophical walk around Slamet Volcano from Ketenger Village up to Pancuran Pitu / the Seven (hot) Springs. Bring suitable clothes and bathing clothes if you wish to enjoy the medicinal hot springs, or mud foot massages, etc.
There will be another full day field about it in the call for participation.
Arrival and Travel
International delegates may fly into Jakarta, and transfer to Jakarta Gambir Train station where regular express trains depart to Purwokerto. For the 5 hour trip in express business class air conditioned carriage, the fare is USD10. There are cheaper trains or buses. Travel by air to Jogyakarta requires a 4 hour car ride on a bendy countryside road, hence we suggest the train. Further details will be provided to registered participants. The optional trip to Bandung for meetings on the 25 May involves a 4 hour train trip and one hour drive from Purwokerto. During the YPA10 conference we will undertake several field trips (price included) in bus together.
We will have over ten AUSN Visiting Professors at the Conference and pre-training, so enrolled students will receive credit for the courses towards their postgraduate Certificate/Masters’ degree at AUSN. The American University of Sovereign Nations (AUSN, is developed by leading scholars and innovators in different fields with the Fulbright Academy of Law, Peace and Public Health ( It represents a monumental historic development: the project represents the development of the First-ever Medical School and First-ever Master of Public Health (MPH) program to be developed and offered on Native American Sovereign Tribal Land. It also offers the First-ever Master of Bioethics and Global Public Health (MBGPH) program in the world; and Postgraduate Certificate in Community and Peace.
AUSN is strongly based in the promotion of respect for human rights, fundamental freedoms, peace, the sense of human dignity, and the promotion of understanding, tolerance and friendship amongst all nations and all Peoples. AUSN is deeply committed to offering excellence of education, academia and scholarship, through which we will, provide our students, researchers and staff the intellectual freedoms and ability to rejoice in the discovery of critical thought and the pursuit of excellence; and properly prepare future leaders of our communities who will be committed and vigorously engaged in helping those who suffer, are burdened by social injustices, or who are stricken by disease, and do so for the benefit of all peoples and populations.
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Eubios Ethics Institute