Eubios Ethics Institute
Eubios Ethics Institute
We sharing reports of YPA activities on this page, as examples to encourage all YPA trainees to submit reports. Some are also available on AUSN youtibe channel.
Please email reports to
For referral to the action plans please see each YPA action plan page. This page only includes reports.
The YPA feedback form is also online and trainees are advised to complete the questionnaire as soon as possible.
The results of one survey on volunteerism among YPA and LBD participants is published (available here):
Min Zhang and Darryl Macer (2013) "Youth Volunteerism in Asia-Pacific—YPA and LBD Trainees’ Voice of Volunteerism", Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 23 (2013), 38-46.
and from YPA:
Alin Horj, Suvi Moalinen and Darryl Macer (2013) "Evaluation of Third and Fourth Youth Peace Ambassador (YPA3 and YPA4) Training Programmes", Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 23 (2013), 102 - 135.
Mr. Vatnak Oudom Samith, Mr. Sea Sengheng, Ms. Sodalin Rongsong, Ms.Kankanika Chao, Ms. Kouy Bunrong (Cambodia) "Educational Peace Fair and Gala for Lives"
Ms. Kouy BunRong, Ms. Rongsong Sodalin, Mr. Tin Kolmen, Ms. Prak Sotheary, Ms. Chan Sokunthea, Ms. In Lina, Ms. Tan Samphourraksmey (Cambodia) "First Step Towards Peace"
Ms. KouyBunRong, Ms. RongsongSodalin, Mr. Tin Kolmen, Ms. PrakSotheary, Ms. Chan Sokunthea, Ms. In Lina, Ms. Tan Samphourraksmey, (Cambodia) "First Step Toward Peace"
Mr. Agus Burniat, (Indonesia) "Interfaith Youth Forum"
Mr.Chibuike Mokwe Chukwuemeka (Nigeria) "Youth for Peace Project"
Mr. Dwight Jason Ronan, Mr. Abdul Mahid Ati and Ms. Karen Lapitan, (Philipines) "When I Was 20"
Ms. Lee Siu Ming, (Malaysia) "Peace Education Through Exhibition in Cyberjaya, Malaysia"
Ms. Maria Carmina Valdes (Philippines) and Mr. Andres Adhitra (Indonesia) "It's Not a Dog-Eat-Dog World: Raising Animal Cruelty Awareness in Modern Society"
Ms. Natasha Shokri (Iran) “Art Exhibition of Peace”
Ms.Tayebeh Kharestani (Iran) “Take It Easy”
Ms.Yulia Dwi Andriyanti, (Indonesia) "Young Queer Faith and Sexuality Camp"
Ms. Natasha Shokri (Iran) "Mother in Peace Fundraising Program"
Ms. Natasha Shokri (Iran) "Pictologies and Its Application on Peace Communication"
Mr. Ranap Sidabutar (Indonesia) "Intercultural Festival"
Ms. Tayebeh Kharestani (Iran) “Life is Beautiful”
National YPA Groups
Cambodia (Contact: Ms. Kouy BunRong)
Japan (Contact: Mr. Tsuyoshi Sotoya)
Nepal (Contact: Mr. Rimesh Kanal)
Thailand (Contact: Ms. Ananya)
Nigeria (Contact: Ms. Dolapo Fakuade)
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Eubios Ethics Institute