Eubios Ethics Institute
Eubios Ethics Institute
World Emergency COVID19 Pandemic Ethics (WeCope) Committee
Dr.Thalia Arawi (Lebanon), BA (Sociology), MA (Political and Moral Philosophy), PhDs (Philosophy, Bioethics). Founding Director, Salim El-Hoss Bioethics & Professionalism Program (SHBPP). American University of Beirut and Medical Center, Faculty of Medicine. Clinical Bioethicist and Clinical Ethics Consultant Associate Professor of Internal Medicine, Certified Healthcare Mediator. WHO COVID-19 Ethics Working Group member
Dr Mouna Ben Azaiz (Tunisia), Associated Professor in Immunology, Faculty of Medicine, Tunis El Manar University, Tunisia. Director of Research in Health Department. PhD student in Immunology, Carthage University, Faculty of Sciences of Bizerte on Dynamics of inflammation in sepsis; and PhD student in Bioethics, Sustainability and Global Public Health, American University of Sovereign Nations (AUSN).
Dr. Lian Bighorse (San Carlos Apache Nation, USA). MBGPH, PhD. Program Manager, Native Health, Arizona. Professor of Native American Studies, Bioethics and Decolonization, American University of Sovereign Nations (AUSN).
Dr. Rhyddhi Chakraborty (India, UK), MA MPhil, MBGPH, PhD. Programme Leader (Healthcare Practice), Global Banking School, London, UK; Visiting Professor of Philosophy and Global Health, AUSN.
Dr. Nilza Maria Diniz (Brazil), PhD, Professor of Genetics & Bioethics at Londrina State University, Brazil. Visiting Professor of Genetics and Bioethics, AUSN. Member of Brazilian National Bioethics Committee.
Dr. Hasan Erbay (Turkey), MD, PhD, MBGPH. Bioethics Lecturer at Afyonkarahisar Health Sciences University, Turkey. Vice President for Asian Ethnic and Religious Minorities at the Asian Bioethics Association. Visiting Professor of Medical Ethics, AUSN. His area of research includes bioethics, emergency medicine (especially prehospital), narrative ethics, and medical ethics education.
Prof. Soraj Hongladarom (Thailand), Ph.D. Professor, Dept of Philosophy, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand. Director, Center for Ethics of Science and Technology,Chulalongkorn University, Thailand. Former Vice-President for South East Asia, Asian Bioethics Association. Visiting Professor of Ethics of Science and Technology and Philosophy at AUSN.
Prof. Miwako Hosoda (Japan), PhD. Professor and Vice-President of Seisa University. President of Asia Pacific Sociological Association, President of RC15 (Sociology of Health) International Sociological Association, President of RN (Sociology of Health) East Asia Sociological Association, and the Board of Trustees of the Japan Foundation of Cancer Research.
Prof. Dena Hsin-Chen Hsin (Taiwan), M.N., PhD. Professor, China Medical University, Taiwan. PhD University of Tsukuba. M.N. Graduate school of Nursing, University of Dubuque, USA. Visiting Professor of Nursing and Bioethics, AUSN.
Dr. Anower Hussain (Bangladesh), PhD, MPH, DDS. A public Health activist of the country currently working as the Dean, Faculty of Public Health, Bangladesh University of Health Sciences, Guest Professor, Dept. of Pharmaceutical Science, North South University, Dhaka, Bangladesh and Visiting Professor, Dept. of Public Health, N
Prof. Hassan Kaya (South Africa), PhD. Professor, University of Kwazulu-Natal (UKZN), South Africa. Director, Department of Science and Technology – National Research Foundation, Centre in Indigenous Knowledge Systems, UKZN.
Prof. Julian Kinderlerer (South Africa), PhD. Immediate past president, European Group on Ethics in Science and New Technologies (EGE) - reporting to the President of the European Commission, Council and Parliament. Emeritus Professor of IP law, University of Cape Town, visiting professor in the school of law, UKZN and former professor of biotechnology and society, TUDELFT.
Dr. Lana Al-Shareeda Le Blanc (Iraq), MA, MBGPH, PhD. Professor of Social Justice and Modern Standard Arabic, American University of Sovereign Nations. Lana has worked for UNESCO and UNESCAP and is based in Thailand.
Prof. Marlon Lofredo (the Philippines), PhD, MSc., PhD. Professor, St. Paul's University, Quezon City, the Philippines. Vice President for the Philippines, Asian Bioethics Association. Visiting Professor of Bioethics, Public Policy, and Environmental Ethics, AUSN.
Prof. Darryl Macer (New Zealand), PhD, HonD, MPH. President and Professor of Bioethics and Biomedicine, American University of Sovereign Nations, Arizona, USA. After his Ph.D. in Molecular Biology at the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, University of Cambridge, he worked as a Professor in Japan, and was also UNESCO Regional Adviser for Social and Human Sciences in Asia and the Pacific. Former Board Member, International Association of Bioethics; HUGO Ethics Committee, and UNESCO International Bioethics Committee. Founding chair of the International Union of Biolgical Sciences (IUBS) Bioethics Commission.
Dr. Aziza Menouni (Morocco), PhD.
Dr. Ravichandran Moorthy (Malaysia), PhD, Associate Professor, National University of Malaysia (UKM).
President, Asian Bioethics Association. Former, Head of Multilateral Division, Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, Malaysia. Visiting Professor of Strategic Studies & International Relations, AUSN.
Prof. Suma Parahakaran (Malaysia), Ph.D. AUSN Visiting Professor of Bioethics and Environmental Education, AUSN.
Prof. Deborah Kala Perkins (USA) MEnvSc (ANU), MBioethics (Loyola), is a researcher and educator who has worked and taught at the forefront of Peace and Conflict Studies, Astrobiology and Bioethics, in the US, Asia and Australia. She has also done research and taught in inter religious psychology, mindfulness and holds a MDiv from Graduate Theological Union. Currently she is doing her PhD in Astrobioethics and serving as a professor with American University of Sovereign Nations.
Laura Victoria Puentes (Columbia) LLM
Laura is a lawyer from the University of Cauca (Colombia), with a Master's in Law from the University of Chile with a mention in public law and graduated with summa cum laude recognition for the research work entitled Biolaw and State responsibility for failures in the application of genetic techniques. She is a candidate for a Doctor of Law from the Universidad Externado de Colombia and the Universidad del País Vasco (Spain), universities in which she carries out research on Genetic self-determination and enhancement. Do we have the right to improve ourselves genetically? Author of the book Daño a la salud and several articles published in academic magazines.
Prof. Manuel Lozano Rodríguez (Spain), MSTS, Ph.D. Editor, Disclosing Social Science. Professor on the Bioethics of Displacement, American University of Sovereign Nations. Ph.D. in Bioethics, Sustainability and Global Public Health.
Carmela Roybal (Tewa Nation, USA). MBGPH, Ph.D. Postdoctoral fellow, University College Dublin. Carmela studies the sociology of health, race, and ethnicity with an emphasis on the social determinants of health and education. Her research lies at the intersection of health and race, with an emphasis on women, indigenous peoples and tribal nations globally. She is AUSN Visiting Professor of Human Rights, Health and Medical Sociology.
Prof. Hans-Martin Sass (Germany), Ph.D., is Philosophy Professor Emeritus at Ruhr University, Bochum, Germany, and Senior Research Professor Emeritus at Georgetown University, Washington DC, USA. He holds Honorary Professor positions at Renmin University and Peking Union Medical College, in Beijing, China. He has published over 350 articles and books on bioethics, public health, and integrated bioethics. Among his recent publications are Cultures in Bioethics (2016) and Health and Happiness of Political Bodies, Biocultures, Businesses, Biopolitics (2020), both at Lit Publ Zuerich.
Prof. Mariodoss Selvanayagam (India), PhD. Dean of Research for Loyola College of Engineering and Technology (LICET), Chennai, India. President, All India Bioethics Association. Former Vice President for India, Asian Bioethics Association.
Prof. Mihaela Serbulea (Romania) is a medical doctor from Romania who specializes in natural treatments for the whole person. After earning her PhD in internal medicine from the Nagoya University (Japan), she has worked for WHO Kobe Center, and also researched on traditional medicines and bioethics at UNU. She is the Professor of Traditional, Complementary and Integrative Medicines at American University of Sovereign Nations, and is a freelance consultant on health and wellbeing in any community, active wherever she is called.
Dr. Raquel R. Smith (USA), PhD, Professor of Psychology and Emergency, American University of Sovereign Nations. PhD, Yeshiva University, Albert Einstein School of Medicine, Ferkauf Graduate School of Psychology, New York City, New York, USA. BA, Instituto Nacional de Docencia. Maria Stagnero de Munar. Montevideo, Uruguay. Former Psychologist, Frankling McKinley Schools, San Jose, CA.
Dr. Jasdev Rai Singh (England), MD. MA. Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist, National Health Service, UK. Director, Sikh Human Rights Group, UK. Former Vice President for Asian-Ethnic Minorities, Asian Bioethics Association.
Prof. Takao Takahashi (Japan), PhD. Emeritus Professor, Kumamoto University, and Former Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences, Kumamoto University. AUSN Professor of Philosophy and Bioethics, American University of Sovereign Nations.
Dr. Ananya Tritipthumrongchok (Thailand), PhD, MBGPH, M.Sc., is General Manager of Eubios Ethics Institute. She is the Vice President for South East Asia, Asian Bioethics Association and Professor of Leadership Development, Bioethics and Global Public Health at AUSN. Ananya has worked for UNESCO, Acer Computers, and is a Senior Director at Unicity, and works at Chulalongkorn University.
Dr. Kayo Uejima (Japan), PhD. is a school teacher in Kumamoto, Japan. In her Ph.D. from Kumamoto University she explored the concepts of justice and economic theory. She isVisiting Professor of Ethical Community Economics at AUSN.
Prof. Erick Valdés Meza (Chile), B.Sc., PhD. Professor and Director, International Chair of Biolaw, University del Desarrollo, Chile. President, International Network of Biolaw. Associate Professor, Law School, Universidad de Chile. Visiting Professor of Bioethics and Biolaw, AUSN. Adjunct Research Scholar, Kennedy Institute of Ethics, Georgetown University
Prof. Lakshmi Vyas (England), PhD. President, Hindu Forum of Europe, U.K. Executive Member, International Women's Coordinating Committee (RfP). Vice President and Chair of Education, Hindu Forum of Britain. Former Principal of Elphinstone College
Prof. Yanguang Wang (China), PhD. Retired Professor of Bioethics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing. Former Vice President for China, Asian Bioethics Association.
Prof. John Frederick Weckert (Australia), PhD
Emeritus Professor, Charles Sturt University, Australia. Visiting Professor of Applied Ethics and Ethics of Science and Technology, AUSN.
Dr. Anke Weisheit (Uganda, Germany), PhD, M.Sc, B.Sc.Eng., MBGPH, Chair Innovation & Business Management, Pharm-Bio Technology and Traditional Medicine Centre (PHARMBIOTRAC),, Mbarara University of Science and Technology (MUST), Mbarara, Uganda. Visiting Professor of Traditional Medicine, AUSN.
Ethics and Justice in COVID-19 Vaccines and Immunization (10 May 2021)
Ethical Values and Principles for Healing Society in Light of the COVID-19 Crisis (22 January 2021)
Statement on Environmental Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic (13 September 2020; and background paper)
Statement on state and governance in COVID-19 pandemic (18 August 2020)
Statement on Wearing Masks and Face Covers as Social Responsibility during COVID-19 pandemic (23 April 2020)
Statement on Ethical Triage Guidelines for COVID-19 (31 May 2020)
A Call to Cease the Use of War Metaphors in the COVID-19 pandemic (14 June 2020)
Statement on individual autonomy and social responsibility within a public health emergency (18 July 2020)
(Further documents and statements are under preparation; Many resources on COVID-19 are further down this Page!)
Current subcommittees include:
1E) Disaster Communication Ethics
1G) Ethical Issues of COVID-19 for Indigenous Communities
1H) COVID-19 and Refugees
1I) Ethical Issues of COVID-19 for Persons living with Disabilities
1J) Ethics and Justice in COVID-19 Vaccine Trials and Immunization
2A) Role of Faith Systems and Religions in COVID-19
2B) Impact of COVID-19 Measures on Crime, Corruption, and Inequity of the Impacts of Control Measures
2C) Lessons Learned in a Pandemic
2D) Implications of COVID-19 for Education
3C) COVID-19 and Gender
Previous Subcommittees (Task complete)
1A) Triage and Allocation of Resources
1B) State and governance in COVID-19
1C) Individuals, Society, Autonomy and Responsibility
1D) War Metaphors and the COVID-19 pandemic
1F) Use of Masks
3A) Ethical Values and Principles for healing society in light of the COVID-19 crisis
3B) Environmental Implications of COVID-19
Contact the secretariat, Dr. Darryl Macer, Email:
The next public WeCope meeting will be on 5-7 November 2021 during the Eighteenth International Public Health and Bioethics Ambassador (IPHA18) Conference
Register by Email to Prof. Darryl Macer, Email:
Please join the International Public Health Ambassador program! We hold a series of Conferences as further training for the International Public Health Ambassador program. They are also specifically for the AUSN Postgraduate Certificate in Epidemics and Ethical Public Health (CEEPH), but attendance also counts as contact hours for AUSN degrees.
Many papers presented at the International Public Health Ambassador (IPHA) Conferences are available in issues of EJAIB journal
Terms of Reference
The World Emergency COVID19 Pandemic Ethics Committee (WeCope) is a multidisciplinary group of persons from a variety of professional backgrounds who are of cross-cultural and global background who are independent of government, who are living in different countries under different conditions during the same COVID-19 crisis are tasked with the following:
1) To act as an independent forum to gather accounts of the experiences and perspectives, specially concerning good practices, and alleged human rights abuses.
2) To consider the interface between the theory and practice of ethics around the world and the need for ethical initiatives in research, policy, and information sharing in the world emergency responses and aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic.
3) To compile and produce reports and policy statements that may guide individuals, civil society organizations (both non-profit and for-profit), governments, and international entities in their responses to the global health emergencies linked to COVID-19, which have utility both in the current pandemic and further ones.
4) To be of service to those who seek our assistance, and to the most vulnerable among us.
5) To act quickly and issue reports and statements quickly.
WeCOPE Commttee Introduction and Statement on Wearing Masks and Face Covers as Social Responsibility during COVID-19 pandemic, by Prof. Darryl Macer
Ethical Duties of Medical Professionals, Citizens and our Governments in the Age of Informed Choice, Refugees and Coronavirus Disease COVID-2019, Prof. Dr. Darryl Macer, AUSN, USA. at Istanbul University Medical School.
Readers can suggest links to email:
Hsin, H-S. D. and Macer, DRJ. (2004) "Heroes of SARS: Professional Roles and Ethics of Health Care Workers", Journal of Infection 49: 210-5.
Athula Sumathipala, Aamir Jafarey, Leonardo D. de Castro, Aasim Ahmad, Darryl Macer, Sandya Srinivasan, Nandini Kumar, Sisira Siribaddana, Sleman Sutaryo, Anant Bhan, Dananjaya Waidyaratne, Sriyakanthi Beneragama, Chandrani Jayasekera, Sarath Edirisingha, & Chesmal Siriwardhana (2007) Ethical Issues in Post-Disaster Clinical Interventions and Research: A Developing World Perspective.Key Findings from a Drafting and Consensus Generation Meeting of the Working Group on Disaster Research and Ethics (WGDRE). Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 17 (May 2007), 82-84.
Macer, Darryl R.J. (2003) Ethical, legal and social issues of genetically modified disease vectors in public health. UNDP/World Bank/WHO Special Program for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases (TDR), Geneva, 2003.
Istanbul Communiqué on Looking Beyond Disaster 2019
News links to papers on ethics of vaccines and infectious disease in EJAIB 1995-2006.
News links to papers on ethics of vaccines and infectious disease in EEIN 1995-2006.
Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics
Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics (EJAIB) 30 (3) (April 2020) (pdf file)
Darryl R.J. Macer (2020), Editorial: Bioethics and COVID19, EJAIB Vol. 30 (3) 65.
Mihaela Serbulea (2020), Bioethics gone viral: How to protect ourselves from any virus, EJAIB Vol. 30 (3), 66-69.
Rogelio P. Bayod (2020), Ethics of care and Philippine politics during the COVID-19 outbreak, EJAIB Vol. 30 (3), 69-76.
Leandro S. Estadilla (2020), Commentary on Bayod, EJAIB Vol. 30 (3), 76-77.
Christopher Ryan Maboloc (2020), Globalization and consumer culture: social costs and political implications of the COVID-19 pandemic, EJAIB Vol. 30 (3), 77-80.
Aldrin F. Quintero (2020), Commentary on Maboloc, EJAIB Vol. 30 (3), 80-81.
Leonard H. Le Blanc (2020), A brief historical review of the great pandemic of
1918: the Spanish flu, EJAIB Vol. 30 (3), 81-84.
Mahta Baratipour (2020), Ethical and social challenges of COVID-19 in Iran, EJAIB Vol. 30 (3), 84-85.
Marites V. Fontanilla (2020), Commentary on Baratipour, EJAIB Vol. 30 (3), 85.
Leonard H. Le Blanc (2020), Commentary on Baratipour, EJAIB Vol. 30 (3), 86.
Zehra Edisan (2020), Return to ourselves: psychological reflections over compulsory physical distancing during the COVID-19 outbreak, EJAIB Vol. 30 (3), 86-90.
Dennis Alfaro (2020), Commentary on Edisan, EJAIB Vol. 30 (3), 90.
Dhastagir Sultan Sheriff (2020), Health care in India in the prevailing COVID-19 pandemic scenario, EJAIB Vol. 30 (3), 91-93.
Suma Parahakaran (2020), Spiritual universal ethical values for a global health system using change theory: results of a disintegrated approach in the 2020 pandemic, EJAIB Vol. 30 (3), 93-97.
Mireille D’Astous (2020), Bioethics at the time of coronavirus crisis; an ethical reflection on good public policies and a better future, EJAIB Vol. 30 (3), 97-100.
Purusottam KC (2020), Pandemics from the lens of former peace keeper: COVID-19 response, EJAIB Vol. 30 (3), 100-103.
Sukran Sevimli (2020), Evaluation of public health and clinical care ethical practices during the COVID-19 outbreak days from media reports in Turkey, EJAIB Vol. 30 (3), 103-10.
Esra Bilir (2020), Impacts of COVID19 Pandemic on Care of the Patients with Cancer, EJAIB Vol. 30 (3), 111-4.
Gerry F. Arambala (2020), Equality, Positive Health and Global Inequality in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, EJAIB Vol. 30 (3), 114-7.
Carmela M. Roybal (2020), Tribal Communities and Nations in a time of COVID-19, EJAIB Vol. 30 (3), 117.
Shahanaz Chowdhury (2020), COVID19: Social Stigma and Public Health Dilemma, EJAIB Vol. 30 (3), 122-4.
Wardatul Akmam and Md. Fakrul Islam (2020), Maintenance of Physical Distance to Prevent COVID-19: A Glimpse at Bangladesh, EJAIB Vol. 30 (3), 124-7.
Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 30 (4) May 2020 (pdf file)
Darryl R.J. Macer (2020), Wearing Masks in COVID-19 Pandemic, the Precautionary Principle, and the Relationships between Individual Responsibility and Group Solidarity, EJAIB Vol. 30 (4), 129-132.
Nader Ghotbi (2020), Japan’s management of COVID-19, EJAIB Vol. 30 (4), 133.
Maria Patrão Neves (2020), Ethical implications of ‘Rationing’ vs ‘Rationalization’, EJAIB Vol. 30 (4), 134-6.
Rogelio P. Bayod (2020), Recognitive and redistributive claims in Covid-19 outbreak, EJAIB Vol. 30 (4),136-143.
Omalpe Somananda (2020), Relationships between Sri Lankan culture, diets and COVID-19 disease control, EJAIB Vol. 30 (4), 143-148.
Dhastagir Sultan Sheriff (2020), A search for a COVID-19 cure in Siddha medicine, EJAIB Vol. 30 (4), 148-149.
Lakshmi Vyas (2020), Healing mind and body by Mantras, Ayurveda and Yoga, EJAIB Vol. 30 (4), 150-151.
Manuel Lozano Rodríguez (2020), How not to face coronavirus: the case of Spain, EJAIB Vol. 30 (4), 152-8.
Christopher Ryan Maboloc (2020), Who is the most vulnerable during a pandemic? The social model of disability and the COVID-19 crisis, EJAIB Vol. 30 (4), 158-161.
Marites V. Fontanilla (2020), Cybercrime pandemic, EJAIB Vol. 30 (4), 161-165.
Osama Rajhkan 3ndstage COVID-19 spread can be contained with HITT (hydrate, isolate, train, & test) and virtual contact, EJAIB Vol. 30 (4), 166-170.
Randy A. Tudy (2020), COVID-19 and Healthcare professionals: The principle of the common good, EJAIB Vol. 30 (4), 170-175.
Zehra Edisan (2020), Negotiating the “Good Death”: Saying Goodbye in the time of COVID-19, EJAIB Vol. 30 (4), 175-8.
Leandro S. Estadilla (2020), The Economics of COVID-19 in the Philippines, EJAIB Vol. 30 (4), 178-82.
Marlon Patrick P. Lofredo (2020), Social Cohesion, Trust, and Government Action Against Pandemics, EJAIB Vol. 30 (4), 182-189.
Ananya Tritipthumrongchok (2020), COVID-19 Debates in Thailand, EJAIB Vol. 30 (4), 189-90.
Leonard H. Le Blanc, III (2020), Commentary on Tritipthumrongchok, EJAIB Vol. 30 (4), 190.
Mei Lu (2020), We need to work together to find a cure and vaccine for COVID-19, EJAIB Vol. 30 (4), 190-1.
Gerry Arambala (2020), Ozamiz Politics in the Time of COVID-19 Pandemic, EJAIB Vol. 30 (4), 191-195.
Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics (EJAIB) 30 (5) (June 2020) (pdf file)
Wearing masks and face covers as social responsibility during the COVID-19 pandemic - Statement of the World Emergency COVID19 Pandemic Ethics (WeCope) Committee, EJAIB Vol. 30 (5), 197
Statement on ethical triage guidelines for COVID-19 World Emergency COVID19 Pandemic Ethics (WeCope) Committee, EJAIB Vol. 30 (5), 198-201.
Nader Ghotbi, Marlon Patrick P. Lofredo, Maria do Céu Patrão Neves, Mireille D’Astous, Rhyddhi Chakraborty, Esra Bilir, Thalia Arawi, Anke Weisheit, Hasan Erbay, Jasdev Singh Rai, Anthony Mark Cutter, Mouna Ben Aziz & Darryl R.J. Macer (2020) Ethical guidelines for COVID-19 triage management, EJAIB Vol. 30 (5), 201-7.
Sukran Sevimli (2020) Healthcare professionals acting ethically under the risk of stigmatization and violence during COVID-19 from media reports in Turkey, EJAIB Vol. 30 (5), 207-213.
Erikka June D. Forosuelo & Rogelio P. Bayod (2020) Dabawenyos helping Dabawenyos in a spirit of Bayanihan: CSOs and private persons’ works of compassion during COVID-19 pandemic, EJAIB Vol. 30 (5), 213-221.
Marlon Patrick P. Lofredo (2020) Confidentiality of medical data and public safety and health, EJAIB Vol. 30 (5), 221-6.
Maria Patrão Neves (2020) Mobile contact tracing technology: way out or lock up?, EJAIB Vol. 30 (5), 226-30.
Christopher Ryan Maboloc & Carmelle Ayra Ferrer (2020) The COVID-19 pandemic and social inequality, EJAIB Vol. 30 (5), 234-8.Rogelio P. Bayod (2020) COVID-19 Age: Spirituality and Meaning Making in the Face of Trauma, Grief and Deaths, EJAIB Vol. 30 (5), 238-42.
Randy A. Tudy (2020) The ethical dilemma among healthcare professionals in the midst of COVID-19 pandemic, EJAIB Vol. 30 (5), 260-4.
Victor John M. Loquias (2020) Axel Honneth on social justice and the environment as a moral-practical concern, EJAIB Vol. 30 (5), 264-70.
Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics (EJAIB) 30 (6) (August 2020) (pdf file)
Darryl Macer, Editorial: Learn together to Cope, EJAIB 30 (6) (August 2020),. Vol. 30 (8), 273.
Statement on individual autonomy and social responsibility within a public health emergency – WeCope Committee, EJAIB Vol. 30 (6), 273-7.
A call to cease the use of war metaphors in the COVID-19 pandemic – WeCope Committee, EJAIB Vol. 30 (6), 277-9.
Moral leadership during the pandemic- Christopher Ryan Maboloc, EJAIB Vol. 30 (6), 284-8.
Morality and politics: strengthening pandemic preparedness for public health emergencies in the Philippines - Aldrin F. Quintero, EJAIB Vol. 30 (6), 288-92.
Are the measures for COVID-19 realistic, justified, or overblown? Preparing the path to the new normal -Randy A. Tudy, EJAIB Vol. 30 (6), 292-5.
A historical evaluation from quarantine to compartmental model: from Ottoman Empire in 1830 to the Turkish Republic in 2020 and from cholera to COVID-19 - Sukran Sevimli, EJAIB Vol. 30 (6), 295-302.
The possibility of a renewed discourse on peace: exposition of realities amid COVID-19 pandemic- Al Flores Quillope, , EJAIB Vol. 30 (6), 302-7.
The impacts of social distancing during COVID-19 pandemic on human health - evidence from Bangladesh - Md Masud Parves Rana, EJAIB Vol. 30 (6), 312-8.
The role of nursing with respect to disability and COVID-19 crisis -Dhastagir Sultan Sheriff, EJAIB Vol. 30 (6), 318-20.
People’s personal ethics and responsibilities during the pandemic: stories and experiences of recipients of social amelioration program (SAP) of Digos City -Rogelio P. Bayod, Erikka June D.Forosuelo, Marianne Eve S. Sanchez , EJAIB Vol. 30 (6), 320-3.
Deaths without goodbyes: deprivation of dignified death and objectification of dead bodies during COVID-19 pandemic in the Philippines -Albert C. Albina , EJAIB Vol. 30 (6), 330-4.
Fears and Hopes of Indigenous Students in Southern Mindanao During Covid-19 Pandemic -Rogelio P. Bayod and Jenny P. Morante, EJAIB Vol. 30 (6), 334-8.
Couple educators’ mission during COVID-19 pandemic: ensuring a meaningful and relevant learning for students while staying at home -Christine May D. Bayod and Rogelio P. Bayod, EJAIB Vol. 30 (6), 338-44.
Challenges, difficulties, and opportunities of nurses during COVID-19 pandemic: an assessment of disaster nursing care experience - Angeline Anastacio, EJAIB Vol. 30 (6), 344-51.
Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics (EJAIB) 30 (7) (September 2020) (pdf file)
Darryl Macer, Editorial: COVID-19 and Vulnerability, EJAIB 30 (7) (September 2020),. 353.
COVID-19 community mask wearing: lessons from foot-binding and infibulation - Steven B Rothman, EJAIB Vol. 30 (7), 354-8.
Balancing autonomy and justice in the U.S. with a coronavirus outbreak - Ann Boyd and Brandi Davidson EJAIB Vol. 30 (7), 358-362.
Ethical issues of COVID-19 for persons with disabilities - Shahanaz Chowdhury, EJAIB Vol. 30 (7), 376-8.
COVID-19 and mental health: government response and appropriate measures -Genevieve Bandares-Paulino and-Randy A. Tudy, EJAIB Vol. 30 (7), 378-382.
Challenges for organ recipients and elderly persons during the COVID-19 Pandemic-Maria-Keiko Yasuoka EJAIB Vol. 30 (7), 382-388.
Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics (EJAIB) 30 (8) (October 2020) (pdf file)
Statement on Environmental Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic - World Emergency COVID19 Pandemic Ethics (WeCope) Committee, EJAIB Vol. 30 (8), 402-404.
Environmental Impacts and Implications of the COVID-19 Pandemic - Darryl Macer, Abhik Gupta, Deborah Kala Perkins, Lakshmi Vyas; Nilza Maria Diniz, Suma Parahakaran, M. Selvanayagam, Ayoub Abu Dayyeh, Layne Hartsell, Thalia Arawi, Mihaela Serbulea, Nader Ghotbi, EJAIB Vol. 30 (8), 404-414.
Exploring the wild-life trade and human impact on wildlife environment- A window to the Covid-19 incident - Suma Parahakaran, EJAIB Vol. 30 (8), 414-418.
Can’t See the Wood for the Trees – Is Smoke from Agricultural Practices Clouding the Issue? A Survey of Public Opinion, Knowledge and Understanding of Air Pollution in Rural Thailand - Alexander R. Waller , EJAIB Vol. 30 (8), 418-423.
Global ways in integrating bioethics - Michael Cheng-tek Tai , EJAIB Vol. 30 (8), 433-438.
New Normal or Post-Normal? Philosophical Implications of the Covid-19 Pandemic - Christopher Ryan Maboloc , EJAIB Vol. 30 (8), 438-440.
COVID-19 and Spiritual Needs of Filipinos: The Battle against Faith Expression and Fear of the Virus Randy A. Tudy, EJAIB Vol. 30 (8), 440-443.
Laying the groundworks for education of children in the new normal: The case of DepEd Southern Mindanao -Rogelio P. Bayod and Christine May D. Bayod , EJAIB Vol. 30 (8), 443-449.
Figuring out how to live in a post-pandemic world - Christopher Ryan Maboloc, EJAIB Vol. 30 (8), 449-452.
Volunteering’ as Praxis During COVID-19: Experiences from Bangladeshi Migrant Workers in Malaysia and Indigenous Communities of Bangladesh - Jahid Siraz, Haris Abd Wahab, Rashid Mohd Saad, Parimal Kumar Roy EJAIB Vol. 30 (8), 452-63.
Help Seeking Behavior of Young Filipinos Amidst Pandemic: The Case of Cor Jesu College Students - Jeric Anthony S. Arnado and Rogelio P. Bayod EJAIB Vol. 30 (8), 463-7.
Piyali Mitra, Stigmatization in the wake of COVID-19: Considering a movement from I to We, EJAIB 30 (8) (October 2020). 472-476.
Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics (EJAIB) 31 (1) (January 2021) (pdf file)
Macer, DRJ. Editorial: Ethics, Values and the Treaty to Prohibit Nuclear Weapons, EJAIB 31 (1) (Jan 2021), 1.
Ethical Values and Principles for Healing Society in Light of the COVID-19 Crisis, Statement of the World Emergency COVID19 Pandemic Ethics (WeCope) Committee, EJAIB 31 (1) (Jan 2021), 2-7.
Ravichandran Moorthy & Gabriel Tyoyila Akwen, Reflections on the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on life and the world, EJAIB 31 (1) (Jan 2021), 8-12.
Macer, DRJ. Organized religion, spirituality and COVID-19, EJAIB 31 (1) (Jan 2021), 13-18.
Nader Ghotbi, Belief in god vs. worship of a religion, EJAIB 31 (1) (Jan 2021), 18-21.
Dhastagir Sultan Sheriff, Spiritual healthcare and mental health issues during the COVID 19 pandemic , EJAIB 31 (1) (Jan 2021), 21-24.
Rogelio P. Bayod & Darwin Arnosa, Healthy lifestyle is the key for a healthy society, EJAIB 31 (1) (Jan 2021), 24-28.
Christopher Ryan Maboloc, Overcoming death: the state of man in the midst of a pandemic, EJAIB 31 (1) (Jan 2021), 29-31.
Samreen Siraj, Zainish Hajani, Afsheen Hirani, Shyrose Sultan, Nasreen Rafiq and Salima Siraj, A century with agony or death with comfort, EJAIB 31 (1) (Jan 2021), 32-5.
Nazneen Akhter, Transgender Realities in the Context of COVID-19 in Bangladesh, EJAIB 31 (1) (Jan 2021), 35-8.
Shamima Akter Rozy & Muhammad Ali , COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on the socio-economic
context of Bangladesh, EJAIB 31 (1) (Jan 2021), 38-43.
Geroson C. Reginio, Randy A. Tudy, Rex B. Buac, Banking against all odds: concerns of government bank workers in the Philippines amid the COVID-19 crisis, EJAIB 31 (1) (Jan 2021), 43-51.
Sheldon Ives G. Agaton, COVID-19 and food security: The Eastern Visayas State University experience in the municipality of Burauen, EJAIB 31 (1) (Jan 2021), 51-55.
Sibel Inan, Changes of health care practice in the field of ophthalmology during the COVID-19 pandemic, EJAIB 31 (1) (Jan 2021), 55-60.
Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics (EJAIB) 31 (2) (February 2021) (pdf file)
Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics (EJAIB) 31 (3) (March 2021) (pdf file)
More papers are in preparation!
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