Eubios Ethics Institute
Eubios Ethics Institute
Fifth UNESCO Youth Peace Ambassador Training Workshop
Holistic View of Peace, Health, Development and the Environment
6-14 November 2012, Bangkok and Kaeng Krachan,Thailand
During YPA5 participants planted trees after the inauguration of the International Peace Park at Kaeng Krachan. Some background for the International Peace Park is available here.
The pictures of the trees people planted and the list of planters are available. Some of the tree planters are still to be confirmed.
List of Action Plans Developed at the Fifth Youth Peace Ambassador Training Workshop
Community Peace Education
Napat Jariyaworakul (Thailand) - A Study on the Trends of Juvenile Violence among Public Technical Schools in Bangkok [Action Plan - Results]
Aileen Montes Velasco (Philippines) - From Fear to Understanding: Muslim Diasporas and the Christian Majority [Action Plan - Results]
Natasha Lilja, Melissa De la Cruz (Philippines) - BUHAY [Action Plan - Results]
Ahmad Anhar Syahputra (Indonesia) - Students Security Disaster [Action Plan - Results]
Amor Bayu, Anggita Putri Chaerani, M.Ikhsan, Putra, Nistia Shekar (Indonesia) - Ranger Rescue for Indonesia [Action Plan - Results]
Faidh Husnan (Indonesia) - Green Peace Trail Maker [Action Plan - Results]
Achmad Solikhin, Haqqy Rerian Erlangga, Anggita Putri Chaerani (Indonesia) - Tunza Eco-Generation for Indonesia: Environmental Networking Platform under Guidance of UNEP, Samsung Engineering, and UNESCO [Action Plan - Progress Report]
Monjur-A-Morshed (Bangladesh) - Building Peace by Creating Awareness on Arsenic Contamination [Action Plan - Results]
Achmad Wildan, Marchella Dharma, Putri Wening, Sri Lestari, Ahmad Aqsya, Ari Fakhrus Sanny (Indonesia) - Care to Environment (Mangrove Reduced) and Care to the Others [Action Plan - Results]
Mhd. Mirza Mustaqim, Urfan Ridha (Indonesia) – Ocean Peace Garden in Karimun Jawa [Action Plan - Results]
Sherzod Makhmudov, Sirojiddin Alimov, Muzaffarjon Akbarov (Uzbekistan) - Can I Save the Heritage of My Own Nation? Yes/No [Action Plan - Results]
Anggi Romadhoni, Riyanti Astri Mayasari (Indonesia) - Peace Caravan Project [Action Plan - Results]
Uli M. Sharbinie (Indonesia) - Peace building in Taiji: Save Dolphins and People [Action Plan - Results]
Achmad Nasich & Encompass (Indonesia) - Bhineka Camp & Encompass Goes to School [Action Plan - Results]
Collaborative - UNESCO Youth Peace Festival-“Victory through Unity” [Action Plan - Results]
Muhammad Ikhsan Putra (Indonesia) - Ambassador of Indonesian Culture and Tourism "Blast Summit 2013" [Action Plan - Results]
Roshani Silwal (Nepal) - Street Fiesta [Action Plan - Results]
Vishnu Makam J (India), Rimesh Khanal (Nepal) - Proposed Sixth UNESCO Youth Peace Ambassador Training Workshop [Action Plan - Results]
Help with Challenged Communities
Ahmadal Mustafa, Nofri Rahmadika, Nora Evriani (Indonesia) - "Don't Let us Alone" a Peace Life for ODHA [Action Plan - Results]
Kanitha Chroeung (Cambodia) - Healthy Smile: Promoting Oral Health Care for Rural Poor People in Mondulkiri [Action Plan - Results]
Robiul Islam (Bangladesh) - Improving Quality of Life of Distressed Children at Dhaka City in Bangladesh [Action Plan - Results]
Ya Min Thu (Myanmar) - Rebuilding Project for Primary School [Action Plan - Results]
International Peace
Pichamon Anekvorakul, Sornsicha Nimnuam, Intrarat (Thailand) - Building Peace across the Frontiers [Action Plan - Results]
Dwight Jason Ronan (Philippines) - WIW20/Tarabyangan sa Bayan ni Juan: Social Entrepreneurship Training for the Resettlement Community in Calauan, Laguna [Action Plan - Results]
Joseph Justin G. Vinzons (Philippines) - MAD (Making a Difference) Camp: Discovering the Leader in You! [Action Plan - Results]
Mohammad Haroon (Afghanistan) - Peace loving leader [Action Plan - Results]
Peace Education
Altan-Ulzii Chuluun, Tosolmon Bat-Enkh (Mongolia) - P.I.E Cares [Action Plan - Results]
Anas Ali (Pakistan/USA), Henny Jiang (Canada) - School for Peace [Action Plan - Result], What is Peace [Action Plan - Result]
Ashma Nur Afifah, Fitri Hanesty, Hanum Dwita (Indonesia) - Duta Damai Remaja (Youth Peace Ambassador for Senior High School Student) [Action Plan - Results]
Ashma Nur Afifah, Indah Suciati (Indonesia) - FORCE “Help Children to Expect and Achieve Dream” [Action Plan - Results]
Cris Raymund Viray, Maria Lyka P. de la Fuente, Riva Panganiban, Khristale del Rosario, Jade Portia Actub Echavez (Philippines) - Schools of Peace [Action Plan - Result]
Moe Moe Yu, Saw Minn Wai, Yaw Shu (Myanmar) - Public Advocacy for Peace [Action Plan - Results]
Mirza Annisa Izati (Indonesia) - Drama Club for Kids: Assertiveness can be Learned with Fun [Action Plan - Results]
Muhammad Q Rusydan (Indonesia) - Peace Education for Youth [Action Plan - Results]
Nabiollah Masoumi (Iran) - Teaching Maths and Reading Poems about Peace [Action Plan - Results]
Kaishu Takase (Singapore) –Singapore Peace Arts Creative Event [Action Plan - Results]
Nguyen Bich Lien, Ho Thi Minh Khue (Viet Nam) – Community Art Project [Action Plan - Results]
Vishnu.M.J (India)- Photography Workshop [Action Plan - Result]
Poverty Eradication
Mutiara Hikma Mahendradatta (Indonesia) - Beli Indonesia "Buy Indonesian" [Action Plan - Results]
Bounrong Kouy, Bunkim Kouy, Seak Eng (Cambodia) - Ride for Peace Campaign [Action Plan - Results]
Faizul H. Ibrahim (Brunei) - Music, Drama & Football in Brunei Darussalam [Action Plan - Results]
Mohammad Haroon (Afghanistan) - Cricket for Peace in Afghanistan: A Youth Peace Festival [Action Plan - Results]
Social Problems
Indah Suciati, Mirza Annisa Izati (Indonesia) - One Thank, One Smile, One Jakarta [Action Plan - Results]
Kshitij Bansal (India) - Building a Strategic Youth Intelligence Network [Action Plan - Results]
Mohamed Hisham (Sri Lanka) - Setting up an Online Information Platform on MP's Attendance and Voting Record [Action Plan - Results]
Towards National Groups of YPAs
Jazmie Jamaludin, Umar Mukhtar, Nur Ashilah, Afif Salleh, Waffee Shukori, Nahdzatul Farhana Najwa (Malaysia) – YESS: Malaysian Youth Empowerment towards Society’s Sustenance [Action Plan - Results]
Woman’s Rights/Gender
Ita Pravitasari (Indonesia) - Minimalizing Early Marriage Campaign [Action Plan - Results]
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